The overall concept is the game is assymetric singleplayer 4X where the player controls the Empire. Important part is that AI is not simulated the same way player is (they have their own goals and do not "play" the game and have no "victory conditions" and can not "win" the game, they just do their own stuff and can prevent the player from wilnning ba a "coincidence"). So, I don't want 8 empires where the player run 1 and AI runs 7. I want 1 Empire run by the player and 7 weird aliens or some other AI factions that do completely different things. A bit like "AI Wars" I suppose (but I have not played that one :D)
So, my initial idea was the player starts as an emperor and the galaxy is rather empty (the aliens will invide the galaxy from the "outside of the galaxy"). And there are terran pirates and rebels (so internal imperial struggle is a part of the game).
I wonder if that's the best model... Maybe incude aliens inside the galaxy and make them weird enough? So the player, kind of, conquers them /defends from them?