To Do:
Create connections between components so keeping them in good shape requires balanced power, meet dependencies and set priorities.
How to control or manipulate this environment? How to modify behavior?
How to let player create his ship of dreams with perfect crew? Without overflowing with too many small details and yet giving him felling that he is in control. To not create situation where captain/player is a passive observer.
The problem with manage gameplay. The human is limited in what can be managed in real time. So what does a captain really do. Is take responsibility and delegate orders to key figures. These key figures are regular communications between Captain and crew. Also every crew member need to function independent. They mostly know what to do. By following protocol. These protocols can also be managed and tweaked.
Example. Like star trek. If you are captain with aggressive mind set. If fired upon return fire after shield up. While other will allow some minimal damage but want diplomatic communicate with the other vessel.
Crew work in shifts. So does the captain. Who ever has the bridge, will act at urgent events. Or you get priority com to make the decision.
But something like your ship is attacked. The bridge crew will do a shield UP and even return fire.
Also avoiding collisions.
This means these kind of games largely depends on sophisticated crew AI and effective UI systems.
Example while attack you go on red alert. Which means your UI is set or filter out all non essential combat features. Like managing protocol. Warehousing.
But while not on bridge duty as caption you could do some administration. Like tweaking protocols from specific function or task. Which have a more complex non real-time UI.
Also you do a lot of comparing stats etc. so kind of spreadsheet graphical UI is handy to. While you set equipment setting for specific roles for fighter wings on your carrier.
I am also very inspired by Scifi shows.
For me UI and AI can make or break the game. So I focus more on that.