Well from reading your post and looking at the web site I am afraid your are doing a bad job of selling yourself.
1. You say you are looking for a job (in house I assume) but the web site talks as if you are a company. This is a mixed message that will put people off. The site needs to be YOUR personal site, not a company site. It needs to give details of you and your abilities (your CV) and say something about the demo (feature list).
2. Web site presentation - this is very messy. It makes it hard to read the text or focus on the screen shots. Get rid of the "Glensoft" text background, have a proper feature list for the game, put relevant text next to screenshots, telling the viewer what they are seeing.
3. Why didn''t you send your CV? Big mistake. Most companies get dozens of job applications per week. With most they:
i. open them,
ii. read the CV,
iii. Make a decision,
iv. Send reject or arrange interview.
With you they have no CV so they know nothing about you. They either have to write to you and wait for you to send a CV or take the easy option of picking one of the other applicants and just sending you a reject letter.
4. You should also supply the demo and explain to them the features of the game, what is good about it and also what is bad about it - show you know what is wrong and that given time these could be fixed.
Hope that all helps. Afraid it is tough getting a job in the industry even at entry level so you just have to keep on trying. Good luck.
Dan Marchant
Obscure Productions