
The Week of awesome II! - The second annual unofficial gamedev competition!

Started by August 25, 2014 12:04 AM
278 comments, last by slicer4ever 10 years, 4 months ago

i would really like to participate smile.png

Can i have more info on the rules and when it is gonna begin ? and whats the theme and requirements ? and the date slot will be good as 15-22/22-29 as soo many votes on it ;)

its perfect for me after my exams as well :P

Not sure if I will have enough time, but I'll try. Count me in.

My CVMy money management app: ELFSHMy game about shooting triangles: Lazer of Death

Years ago, running the 3-hour game contest, I was always actually more interested in making a game than running a contest. So I'm in to compete.

[Formerly "capn_midnight". See some of my projects. Find me on twitter tumblr G+ Github.]

I'd like to participate. I will probably try to do it alone if no team needs me.

Aight, sign me in. I probably will end up having to mop up something in under 4 hours, but given I've just transitioned over to Unity, it will give me further incentive to learn the inner workings of it!

8-15th is best for me.

Newbie here. Looking forward to it. Probably myself plus my girlfriend's graphics.

Ooh, this is interesting! I don't know what September is going to be like for me, so I'm not going to state with confidence that I'm participating, but I hope to enter. ^_^

(For the same reason, I'm not voting on the period for the competition.)


My Twitter Account: @EbornIan

Been a while since I've done a competition, would love to participate in this one :). I could probably use some help from an artist, but I'm afraid I might not be able to get something done or finish the game in time. Would it be possible to loosen the rules up a bit, so that you can still join a different team if your original team hasn't submitted anything. That way it'd be less likely for me to drag someone down with me if I for some reason can't make it.

o-O sounds awesome :D

I'm currently working on my game as a hobby but I'm down to changing the air a bit and designing/coding a game in a week!

If an artist is interested in pairing with me (programmer), I will join in the fray! I've only done one game so far (2d game).

If an artist is willing to team-up, please contact me!

20% only for gameplay seems a little harsh and unbalanced to me. Especially when how easy it is to install gets fully half as many points as gameplay! Shouldn't gameplay be the single most important section?

I personally would take 5% each from some/all of audio, theme and UX and re-assign to gameplay so gameplay ended up with 30-35%. Maybe something like:

Gameplay: 30%

Graphics: 20%

Theme: 20%

Audio: 15%

UX: 7.5%

Participation: 7.5%

Or make all the categories add up to 90% and have a final 10% "polish/judge's discretion" so each judge can effectively go through each section and then give a score out of 10 based on gut feeling.

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