
ITAG Hackathon - Programming Competition

Started by August 20, 2014 09:46 AM
-1 comments, last by Alex3k 10 years ago
Hey guys,
I hope it is okay to post this here, I have spent some time looking for the best area and it was either here or announcements. I thought this area may be best however if it isn't please act accordingly and either move/delete it smile.png
On the behalf of my university (Nottingham Trent University, United Kingdom) I am organising a programming competition called the "Interactive Technologies and Games Hackathon" (ITAG Hackathon). This hackathon is part of an academic conference called the Interactive Technologies and Games Conference.
The aim of the hackathon is to develop an application that can benefit an educational environment or provide enhanced accessibility to a specified user base. For those that wish to take part, all they need to do is register as either an individual or team on our website. All participants can either take part at a designated venue or remotely.
Taking part in the competition remotely is where either an individual or group of people take part in the hackathon from a venue such as their home or other suitable venue - much like the Ludem Dare game jam. This methods means that if there isn't a venue near you, you can still take part!
There is also the option to set up your own venue where a group of people can participate together, this allows other people local to you to take part in the competition, this can range from a school hall to a pub... it is up to you. The ITAG Hackathon team can assist with any questions regarding setting up venues. When setting up your own venue almost all aspects are handled by the either the website or the ITAG Hackathon team except getting the actual venue, however help can be provided.
Groups sizes for both remote and standard registration have a maximum amount of five. These three types of registration are all handled by the ITAG Hackathon website.
Currently, there is a £250 (approx $400) prize to the winners of the ITAG Hackathon, the organisational team is in the process of contacting sponsors to find additional prizes. For an up to date version of what is available to the winners, please view the prize/sponsor page of the website.
The objective of the ITAG Hackathon isn't very specific yet, this is to keep the Hackathon fair, however the full objective will be released on Wednesday 1st October. For guidance, it will be to develop an application that can benefit an educational environment or provide enhanced accessibility to a specified user base.
For more information on the Hackathon feel free to email the ITAG Hackathon team at and we will respond within 24 hours, alternatively the website has all the information on every aspect of the event. I will also be checking this page so feel free to comment and I will reply ASAP. If you are interested, the poster for the event can be downloaded from here.
The Hackathon is taking place from Saturday 11th October 9am until Monday 13th October 5pm (GMT).

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