

Started by August 18, 2014 08:10 PM
28 comments, last by jbadams 10 years, 6 months ago

[attachment=23226:truncated octahedron.jpg]

If you have 5 HIT, if target have 20 FLE; you will hit enemy with %20 rate, with %80 rate your attack will miss the target.



So if FLE and HIT is equal FLE rate is %50 also HIT rate is %50

If you hit enemy DMG=Your DMG - Target ARMOR

DMG cant be less than 0

If enemy weak against your element with %400 we will not multiple your DMG with 4 bcause that will kill balance of game. We will just add %300 of your base DMG so you will still deal %400 DMG but if you using a skill and dealing %300 DMG you will not deal 3X4=12 so %1200 DMG

You will just deal added %300(400-100) from element weakness, added %200(300-100) from skill and base %100 and you will just deal %600 DMG

If target has %50 element weakness that means target is strong against your element. If you use basic ATK you will deal %50(-50) DMG. If you use skill for dealing %300 DMG, you will deal %250(-50) DMG

Spells will cost more. %110 DMG requires 1 MP. %120 2 MP. %200 10 MP. %210 12 MP. %220 14MP. %300 30MP.

So high level players will multiple many times their attributes but will cost too much MP that OP spells. So low MP consuming spells are better for economy.

I am confused about this post. Is there a game with a set of mechanics that is attached to this post. I may have missed something.

Developer with a bit of Kickstarter and business experience.

YouTube Channel: Hostile Viking Studio
Twitter: @Precursors_Dawn


I am posting core mechanics. I will write this game like a book.

I appreciate the specific details, we don't see that a lot here. Do you have a question, or are you just stating what you intend to do?

I am just designing a game, a coder must make it.

Tomorrow i will write main attributes and their values.


im guessing this is section of you're GDD(design document)?

if it is, I would advise you to put the design as simple as possible, with as many words as possible (describing everything), remember, someone from outside should be able to read your GDD and visualise your game. I found it hard to follow what you where trying to describe.

Also I also like to categorise everything, so each detail of the game has it's own segment, this is useful if somebody doesn't know every single aspect about your game like you do.

For example you say:

If you roll 5....

I would say:

If you roll number 5 on a 6 sided dice (ranging from 1-6) [see dice]


The game will use 3 sets of dice, one of the die will have 6 sides ranging from 1-6 shaped like a cube, one die will have 4 sides, the different sides will have blue,red,yellow and green and the last die blah blah blah blah

(and I would go into even more detail, but it was just an example :) )

hope this helps

Mobile Developer at PawPrint Games ltd.

(Not "mobile" as in I move around a lot, but as in phones, mobile phone developer)

(Although I am mobile. no, not as in a babies mobile, I move from place to place)

(Not "place" as in fish, but location.)

Many people hates reading. I am making it quick so only few people can understand others will read and ask questions.

Do you know you can create development journals here on GameDev for your design ideas?

Blogging your design concepts might be a better fit for what you are doing. The forums are more suited for questions and discussions.

If you are looking for a programmer to code all of this then you should make a post inside the classifieds. No recruiting allowed in the main forums. Also a little context might have helped people understand the post without reading the comments.


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