
An apology - from spike

Started by January 16, 2000 07:46 PM
0 comments, last by Spike 25 years, 1 month ago
Today, I was banned from the #gamedev chat room. I am a regular to this chat room and for the many times I have been there I have not caused any trouble. Today hoever I toke things a bit to far and offended someone. I thought the person would consider it a joke because of the fact that I was a regular who hasent caused any trouble, but it turned out that that wasn''t the case, and for that I am sorry. I know that honesty is the only way I am going to have a chance of been unbanned so here it goes, what I think. I do relise that I have done wrong, but feel that geoff could have been a little more lenient and given me a warning somthing a long the lines of "Ok, you''ve gone to far, If I here one more thing that I don''t like from you, your gone and out". That may have not been the best thing you wanted to here from me but that is what I honestly think. Just incase I have to say what I actually did I will explain it here. It started off with the person talking about beating up santa clause, then I added in I would join in, It then moved onto me asking if the person was a jahova witness(cause they tend to not like santa clause). We where then having a bit of a go at each other, in what I thought to be a friendly and joking manner, that was ok, but it was then when I drew the line by saying "I am the hacker of the world", "if you don''t shut up I shall have you convicted of murder, rape and drug selling". I can''t in words describe how sorry I am, but want I can say is that I will never do anything of the kind again, and that is a promise. If you do somehow happen to unban me I shall to my best to mend the damge with the person I offended. Thank you for taking the time to read my apology and please at least consider unbanning me, and if you don''t at least let me know of a way I can make up for what I have done. yours trully. Spike
~SpikeYou can contact me at
Youre un-banned.

Normally I warn people, but you went way overboard before I had a chance to, so I just banned you.

None of the staff of GDnet likes to ban or kick people, but in order to make the chat room a better place for everyone in general, we will if necessary.

Recently, for some reason, its needed to happen a lot more, and that really sucks. I hope people chill out and respect the forum that we now have, which Ive never seen anywhere else, and want to preserve, that people can come in and find people of similar interests without being harassed or any of the usual BS in chat rooms...


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