
Adobe premiere pro

Started by August 16, 2014 09:02 PM
0 comments, last by riuthamus 10 years, 1 month ago
Hello boys and girls
I have a big problem about editing a video.
I am Romanian, Romanian forums I have not found anything to help me.
So I turned to you.
I'm no expert in English so I use google translate.
It's Adobe Premiere Pro
I have a nasty problem.
I have a material in the background,
1h and 15 min, I cut that I had I put sound effects / video etc.
to export after termination (25 or 29.97 720p h.264) video starts running when squared, not full screen.
For wedding videos 45 + min HD camera what settings do you recommend to get HD material? And is not extremely high, like avi, wmv was using, mp4 ...
I noticed that some have written HIGH QUALITY h.264 which I did not, why? What codec do I need?
I use Adobe Premiere Pro and CS6
Please help me I really need desperately do not want to embarrass myself.

Eh, not sure what the first problem is.

The second question related to export formats depends on what you are trying to do. If you want to upload it to youtube or vimeo you use their settings in the presets. You should always aim for h.264 format since that is the most ideal for the size/quality ratio. BITRATE is another option that you can set to increase the overall quality but this will make the filesize much larger as well. Lastly, ensure that the video source file FPS matches the end products FPS. This means if your source video was taken in 25fps you should make the exported video in 25fps or you will have some sync issues.

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