With regards to the items, etc. that affect the other player--the "flashlight", the sonar ping, etc., it seems to me that while they might be briefly frustrating, with limitation applied to their use they could provide additional tactical options. For example, exposing an opponent prompts them to make a decision: stay in their now-compromised position, or move, and if the latter, to where.
the night day cycle will be quicker in the next version too
Actually, thinking about this one, I'm not sure that it's a good idea: you want to encourage players to hide, from what I gather, but I'm concerned that quickening the day/night cycle might make hiding infeasible simply by virtue of making hiding spots disappear far too quickly.
The reload is 3 sec and isn't without reason
But I will make it shorter ...
Actually, I think that the long reload works for this game: it acts against spamming shots, and thus introduces a little more thought into when and whether to shoot.
For me, at least, I think that the sense of slowness came from the movement speed, not the firing-rate.
a switch somewhere in the level to change the background color
This will turn into a waiting game, I just thought about it that way ...
I just really dislike campers sorry
An item that entirely--but temporarily--blacks- or whites- out the level.
cannot really see the point of having this items
(I see these as more or less the same concept, although they may describe different implementations.)
Hmm... Again, I'm not really a multiplayer gamer, but I'm not seeing why it would encourage camping, especially if the change is temporary; instead, it would act as a brief moment of "invisibility", or a means of briefly exposing the opposing player, both of which seem to me to have tactical value.
Teleporters ( how to to control the point where to teleport to
The simplest option might be to have each teleporter send the player that enters it to a pre-defined position; they're essentially shortcuts around the level, providing more routes through the level and thus more options for the players.
I only have "BTOOM" as a reference here so if I imagine that's the way someone will play with sonar I think it's too advance and also, it may sometimes be annoying when one is hiding and someone ping you ( I assume someone being ping-ed know he is now discovered ).
I... Have no idea of what "BTOOM" is.
Let me describe what I had in mind: the "sonar" item spawns in the level (or is there when the level starts). The player picks it up; this shows it on the HUD, and allows them to activate it with a key-press (if there are other items in the game, then it might go into a universal "item" slot, and be activated by a universal "use item" key). When activated, it creates a brief, expanding ring at the position of each enemy player; this ring exists for less than a second, then is gone. Once activated, the item is lost (although it may respawn in the level): players don't get to ping repeatedly.
In fact, you mentioned a dislike of campers: while the changing background does prevent long-term hiding places, this "pinging" item might provide an additional means of flushing out campers.
(And indeed, I would expect the enemies to be notified of the ping--for simplicity's sake, perhaps just let them see the expanding rings too.)
As to being discovered being annoying, are players not uncovered by changes in the lights? Is being killed not annoying? I'm honestly not convinced that it would likely be annoying in a way that hurts the experience.
It really looks stupid if someone is hiding and turning on the flashlight or even asking for attention when not
but perhaps someone may mention why my statement is flawed
I was thinking about it as a means of uncovering enemies; however, you may be right--it does somewhat signal one's position, even when hunting.
it looks like cheating to me,
hey I found out where you are there, I shoot you but shoot You got a shield and you shoot back at me while I haven't finish reloading
Hmm... Fair enough, and good point. If the guns took longer to fire the player who shot might have time to escape, but as it is shields might not be a good idea.