
Simple and straightforward game news channel?

Started by August 06, 2014 02:08 PM
10 comments, last by BUCH Dragon 10 years ago

Ohh, I'm sorry.

I wasn't aware that OP waited 17 days. And the initial statement wasn't meant to be offensive of any kind.

EDIT: Actually, my behavior was inappropriate, I apologize for this, it will not happen again... unsure.png

I take it back then.

FastCall22: "I want to make the distinction that my laptop is a whore-box that connects to different network"

Blog about... stuff (GDNet, WordPress):,

When you're looking for information, videos are a terrible format. Videos make terrible tutorials, and terrible sources of news. Text articles with images are far superior, because you don't have to watch 15 minutes just to find that one snippet of detail you want. The rate at which people speak words is far slower than the rate you can actually read them.

Sound advice. My experiences were mostly positive though, such as cases where a structure or some part(for technical tutorials) is explained in a more casual way as opposed to lots of formal text.

I suggest reading textual news and review sites like RockPaperShotgun

It's slightly amusing how the very first news post is a game I have played and enjoyed. That website seems similar to what I was looking for, thanks for the suggestion.

Ohh, I'm sorry.

I wasn't aware that OP waited 17 days. And the initial statement wasn't meant to be offensive of any kind.

I take it back then.

Glad that's the case :)

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