
Simple and straightforward game news channel?

Started by August 06, 2014 02:08 PM
10 comments, last by BUCH Dragon 10 years ago

Hello guys.

I am wondering what would be a good, straightforward gaming news source. I have been watching TotalBiscuit on Youtube for a while and enjoyed it quite a bit. I am looking for a similar format where information is important as opposed to humour or entertainment.

Unfortunately his streaming of Starcraft video notifications and childish blocks of Youtube comments annoyed me to the point to seek alternative sources.

Any suggestions?



and don't bump threads

if you think programming is like sex, you probably haven't done much of either.-------------- - capn_midnight

and don't bump threads


and don't bump threads


  • Well its not fair towards other threads.

  • Its up to the community if they want to pay attention to this thread.

  • You should generally only do it if you have something new to add.

  • Luckily theres no voting button. Tooltip: "This response is not useful and does not improve the conversation"

And its kind of annoying.

Think of it as manners.

FastCall22: "I want to make the distinction that my laptop is a whore-box that connects to different network"

Blog about... stuff (GDNet, WordPress):,

Well its not fair towards other threads.

How? It is not like I am doing this every hour so other threads would get moved to another page.

Its up to the community if they want to pay attention to this thread.

Not all of the community is present 24/7 or even within the same time period the post will stay on the first page(s).

Think of it as logic.


Luckily theres no voting button. Tooltip: "This response is not useful and does not improve the conversation"

I wish that button was there now, my finger is aching!

If you don't mind reading, if your looking for videos try rev3games on youtube.

if your looking for videos try rev3games on youtube

Thanks for the suggestion. Unfortunately, that channel is pretty much a casual game streaming one, as opposed to review/information oriented one.

I wish that button was there now, my finger is aching!

Mine is too buddy... mine is too.

I think the bumping rules are: You can only do so once, after at least two days have past (the OP waited 17 days! That doesn't bother me at all), but any future additional bumps need to actually carry meaningful additions to the thread.

[Edit:] Ah, here we go:

"We don't have set guidelines on bumping, and as long as you're sensible about it you won't have any problems -- a moderator will warn you if you're over-stepping the mark. In general I'd say a good rule of thumb is to wait at least 24 hours before bumping and to not continue to repeat bumping if you still aren't getting a response. If you're bumping a technical question you might try providing additional information with your bump, or asking if there is any more information that would help to solve your issue."


  1. Wait at least 24 hours
  2. Only bump once (i.e. don't repeat bumping if your first bump still didn't get any real response)
  3. Try to add additional details relevant to the discussion, if applicable.

The OP did that just fine (and no additional details are really applicable to this thread).

Any suggestions?

When you're looking for information, videos are a terrible format. Videos make terrible tutorials, and terrible sources of news. Text articles with images are far superior, because you don't have to watch 15 minutes just to find that one snippet of detail you want. The rate at which people speak words is far slower than the rate you can actually read them.

Now, with games it's interesting because you actually want to see what the gameplay is like; so I suggest reading textual news and review sites like RockPaperShotgun, and augment them with Let's Play videos (just search YouTube for [gamename] + "Let's play") when something actually seems interesting to you.

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