
What qualifications and skills will I need to get into the game industry? Do I have a chance with what I have already?

Started by August 05, 2014 10:41 PM
2 comments, last by Lithander 10 years, 6 months ago
I am currently 14 years old. When I finish education and get a job, I am hoping to get into game development.
I have already started to work towards this dream. One day a couple of years ago when I got home from school, I thought 'let's learn to make a game'. I downloaded Unity and Blender (both free tools) and sat down most nights on my laptop learning. This has brought me far in game development and I now know how to do a lot more and have nearly finished a small basic game.
It's a small survival game where you are trying to survive on a small island with pirates. It is a thirsty person game and there are currently 3 weapons. One you start with and two you can craft. It has a basic drag and drop inventory system.
At school I am one of the best in my year at maths and I am doing computer science and I.T. I am also doing triple science.
My skills: - really good at maths
- Best in my year at I.T.
- Basic modelling in Blender (I won't be a modeller :D)
- can code gameplay features in JAVA
- Can make and design levels using Unity
- can code small gameplay features in C++
- basic AI
- Can test and find bugs in games

1.) Do you think I could have a future in the games industry?
2.) What job in the games industry will I be best at?
3.) What qualifications do you need to be a games developer?
4.) what skills do you need to be a games developer?
5.) How old do you have to be to work in the games industry?
Thanks In advance

a. What qualifications and skills will I need to get into the game industry?
b. Do I have a chance with what I have already?
I am currently 14 years old. When I finish education and get a job, I am hoping to get into game development.
I have ... nearly finished a small basic [Unity] game.
At school I am one of the best in my year at maths and I am doing computer science and I.T. I am also doing triple science.
My skills: - really good at maths
- Best in my year at I.T. ...
1.) Do you think I could have a future in the games industry?
2.) What job in the games industry will I be best at?
3.) What qualifications do you need to be a games developer?
4.) what skills do you need to be a games developer?
5.) How old do you have to be to work in the games industry?

a. You need an appropriate degree and an appropriate portfolio. I'm guessing you're looking for a job in programming, based on what you described. So you need a CS degree or equivalent, and a programming portfolio.
b. Yes, absolutely.
1. See b. above.
2. What job do you want? Does programming appeal to you?
3. See a. above
4. You need to write clean, clear, well-documented code and the ability to get along well with the team.
5. You have to be over 18. You should be a college/university graduate, ideally.
Read this forum's FAQ:

-- Tom Sloper --


If you are only 14 you have a way to go yet. You are going to need to be at least 18 and more than likely need a degree to get your foot in the door so you will probably be around 21 years old before you can get a job at a AAA studio.

What you have however is a very good start. Keep doing what you are doing and keep learning new stuff. Above all make some games. You may find that by the time you are in a position to apply for jobs that you are already a successful indie developer and don't actually need to get a job in the first place.

Stop worrying about your career for now an make games. Try to get some friends on board to play your games or even help with the development - that will make it a lot more fun. Fun is important, helps you maintain the spirit to become really good at something and being really good at something is your best bet at making people want to pay you for working for them. There are other factors like being someone that people want to work with and have around, but having a couple of successful projects under your belt is a real confidence booster, so it helps with that too. So yeah, the next step on your career path is definitely to continue what you've been doing: Make stuff.

That said: you're 14. You're in the fortunate position that you can do what the fuck you want in your considerable amount of spare time without having to think about real life shit like careers and degrees earning money and stuff. Try to enjoy that time, will you? If making games is what you enjoy most then do that, but don't do it for your career. If you're still making games when the time comes to decide what you want to study you'll be able more qualified to answer questions like "What job in the games industry will I be best at?" then we are now.

Here's a book you might enjoy:

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