In a 2D action game how would you successfully implement a cut scene that doesn't kill the moment? What i mean by the moment is when your halfway through a level and your having a great time just navigating the level and skill fully destroying your enemies when all of a sudden the screen fades into a 1-3 minute long cut scene.
Even though its one minute long, it breaks the pace and that moment that you were having a while ago just went away and now you are dreadfully bored because an annoying cut scene which you have to forcefully watch, to waste your time by trying to make you care too much about some character or etc. Most of the time you don't care because that moment you were experiencing was enjoyable and required you to be very active and i think that i the most part a cut scene would ruin that moment.
Would it be a good idea to rather leave the player alone from cut scenes for the first level and after finish that level give them a cut scene to kind of relax and enjoy as they wait for the next level?