
Sample Collada Animation

Started by July 21, 2014 04:00 PM
5 comments, last by analivia 10 years, 1 month ago

I'm trying to write a Collada parser to import animated meshes into my game. Previously, I had written one for Wavefront .OBJ files - and the process was (relatively) easy: open up the specification, open up a sample .OBJ file, and keep trying until it worked.

However, I'm having a harder time with Collada. I've got the huge specification file - but I can't seem to find any example Collada (.dae) files containing animation. It seems like there used to be a few repositories, but now they all return 404 errors.

Does anyone have any simple model I can play with?


Blendswap might have some.

Might be some here also.

They call me the Tutorial Doctor.


Tree.js has a Collada loader. They had this among their examples: /examples/models/collada/monster/monster.dae

It is I, the spectaculous Don Karnage! My bloodthirsty horde is on an intercept course with you. We will be shooting you and looting you in precisely... Ten minutes. Felicitations!

Tree.js has a Collada loader. They had this among their examples: /examples/models/collada/monster/monster.dae

Thanks - this looks great!

Is there a reason why you want to code the importer yourself and not just use one of the many tools out there such as Assimp? It will save you a lot of headaches and let you focus on your game.

"Spending your life waiting for the messiah to come save the world is like waiting around for the straight piece to come in Tetris...even if it comes, by that time you've accumulated a mountain of shit so high that you're fucked no matter what you do. "

Hi, as it happens I have developed a Collada loader in C# a few years ago. The basics all work (materials, textures including normal maps, joints/bones, bone animations).

So if you want some example code and Collada models, take a look at this GitHub repo:

The library was originally developed for usage with XNA, but also works indepedently.

The repository contains two animated DAE files under ColladaXna Standard Sample / ColladaXna Standard SampleContent.

A very simple one with only two joints and a more complex one.


Currently working on - turn-based multiplayer 4X browser game


thanks a bunch for sharing this info guys

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