Hi all.
So, the story is this:
I've been working in a company as a programmer for 4 years now. My first coding job. If it matters, it's in the financial and not in the gaming domain. Due to a number of negative factors, I want to quit my job there and try something else, somewhere else. But, I'm not just gonna leave without having something else secured (well, I have to eat, pay my isp, and load up my steam wallet, right? :) ). So I have to get in the process of giving interviews while working. This fact concerns me a bit for a couple of reasons (justified or not, I hope you'll enlighten me!)
- Does it look bad giving interviews while already working? I mean, can you give the impression of someone who could leave a company almost "out of the blue" ?
- Looking at your CV, they'll obviously notice that you're working already. What if they ask you WHY do you want to leave? I'm pretty sure this would be a tricky question to answer, so, are you going to be sincere with them and say the truth, judging situations that occur in your present work, or do you come up with pretty little lies to avoid answering the real point?
It's obvious that i'm completely inexperienced in giving interviews (just 2 in my life, so far) so I'd really love some hints from you guys. Thanks for reading, and thanks in advance for any replies.