
Need advice for a road ahead

Started by July 08, 2014 04:48 AM
3 comments, last by Thinias 10 years, 7 months ago

Hello im in the 8th grade and i love video games and mainly pc (Counter Strike Go, Minecraft, etc.) I also like downloading and trying game engines (unity4, cryengine etc.) I live in a area where video game industry is 0% and i want advice:

1. What kind of colleges offer game design

2. What things should i learn to be prepared

3. Im bad at math and should i work on that

4. is it hard getting jobs at companies

5. is this a good list for job ideas


Tryarch (call of duty)

rockstar Games


I'll save Mr. Sloper some problems, and tell you the first thing you need to do is hit the back button and read the Stickies - particularly the FAQ and Breaking in parts.

There are some excellent written guides that will answer where (or if) you should go to college, what to study, what to do if you live in an area with 0% industry, whether math is important, and so much more.

Second, naming a studio is not a job idea. Do your research: Go to the websites of these studios, find their career page, look at the titles and requirements and figure out what you enjoy doing.

Practically speaking, chances are you won't be working for the huge studios right out of college, but the skills you learn trying will help you land the first job.


1. What kind of colleges offer game design
2. What things should i learn to be prepared
3. Im bad at math and should i work on that
4. is it hard getting jobs at companies
5. is this a good list for job ideas
Tryarch (call of duty)
rockstar Games

1. There are two kinds: regular colleges and specialized colleges. The latter are more expensive, and are not necessarily recommended.


3. Yes.

4. Yes. Why ask? Just do.

5. No. For one thing, how many of those are within daily commuting distance of your home?

-- Tom Sloper --

If you want some interesting short videos on game design I would checkout the Extra Creditz on youtube. Great series of insight on the gaming world (from the design side).

Developer with a bit of Kickstarter and business experience.

YouTube Channel: Hostile Viking Studio
Twitter: @Precursors_Dawn

The best thing you can do to prepare for a career in making games is... make games. The hard truth is that by the time you get to the point in your life where you are submitting resumes... everyone else being seriously considered for the positions you apply to will also have either a college degree or equivalent experience. Your college degree will not be enough to get you in the door. You need more. As a technical interviewer in the video games industry, I look for one of two things in new candidates:

1. Exceptional technical background.

2. Demonstrated passion for making games... not just playing them.

At an entry level position (and only an entry-level position), you can get away with lacking number 1 if you have number 2... but in many scenarios demonstrating your passion for making games will give you the technical background you needed in the first place. While not all gaming positions require technical expertise, the basic premise holds in all scenarios.

Not only will demonstrating this passion help you get your foot in the door, it will also make your first interview much easier! Being able to talk about things you've already done is going to feel like a cakewalk compared to someone asking you questions about things you've never even thought about before.

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