I've been toying around with an idea for the last day or two its still just an initial concept but I'm trying to get an idea if there is anything similar out there I can look at. The core idea is based on game theory specifically that idea that the players have to work together to survive but only player can win.
The basic concept I have at this stage is that players are marooned on an alien planet. Each player has a character type each with a unique victory condition there are also a couple of chance base victory conditions that can occur once certain conditions have been reached.
For example:
The Cultist - Only wins if they are the last surviving character on the final turn of the game.
The Engineer - Wins if they have the parts to complete the short range teleporter and help arrives.
The Heiress - Needs to recover her lost heirlooms and help arrives
The Assassin - If their target dies in an accident and the assassin has the transponder then they win.
The Parasite - Wins if all players become infected.
The Explorer - Wins if the secret of the temple is uncovered.
Help arrives is an event that can occur after the communications relay and distress beacon have been repaired. One character gets rescued promising to send help for the rest...
All classes have a bonus that applies to all events of certain type but only if the player has revealed their character. Initially characters are kept secret players can choose if and when to reveal which character they are or may be forced to as the result of an event.
Players forage for supplies, which they can horde or share with group. They can work together to rebuild parts the ship and deal with events but in the end only one can win.
Its still very rough at the moment but that's the core of the game.