Having knowledge will unlikely earn you total independence, wheather even greater independence. If I would want my broken leg be done, I would teach someone how to do it (it gets reversed interestingly), or, tell him what to do while being broken up -(check whaether I bleed to inside areas of mine, seek blue spots that seem to grow in time, open up the spot and seek bigger vein that got broken, cut it and place both ends on a dull stick , if I happen to bleed to head spacing, do a thin opening to my head skull, and when blood stops strawing out too far temporary seal it, prepare blood of my type, place it to my vains as I will loose much blood while waiting to have inside bleeding seal itself. After time critical stuff is done, wake me up and we will be working out broken bones... ).
The problem would be with people around being incapable, or without knowledge, but knowledge is only vital requirement, but unluckuly not sufficient requirement. On too many things.
Earning an independence to live is awesome and everyone would want it, but there are aspects such as experience, dedication, individual skills...
Knowledge others do not know may also bring a trivial result towards independecne. Even if I was quantum mechanics master who constructs perpetum mobile I may only get energy- that others are getting already more naive natural way. Concerning those people to switch to my energy becouse it is "less consuming resources" is just trivial from their point of view to get dependant on my asset and compensate me.
Even if I was a chemistry master, I may only construct flawors, turn matter to other molecula matter by energy and so on. What still brings disaponting result towards independence of my very self.
If one wants to be independent, he may create something that others would like and have himself compensated by them- this does not create independence, only a will of society to take care of you instead of you. If I wanted to travel around the world, I would not use car - I would depend on roads, gas and cars fragile mechanism. With horse I wouldt achieve this. I can even build a ship if I reach shore and board my horse on it. I will need to catch fish and so on.
A very good ability towards independence is ability to find things out, not to learn them from a teacher. This would be total independence, becouse you would not even need a teacher to gain knowledge.
One needs to get out the golden spoon from his ass if he wants to be independent, and not think how to overcome nature or duties of living with knowledge of some technical character. Celebrating how society is taking care of me instead of me, how to not work or move... you are just intensing up degradation of yourself. That is not independence. I give it like 200 years and humanity will go to extinction. We are wasting potential from ancestors, aplousing ourself doing it, thinking how to do it even "better and faster". We already create gmo plants, forcing plants to have fruit while having impotent seed in it, ignoring behavioral abilities of plants- forcing plants to change their reproduction policy soon. And that means we will vanish, or , make nature vanish along with us, so even normal people will pay for our miserable selfisness and lazines.