
SDL Audio - Volume proportional

Started by June 26, 2014 07:11 AM
2 comments, last by FGFS 10 years, 5 months ago
I want the sound to have more audible difference:

if (veN1 >= 65){
alListenerf(AL_GAIN, (veN1/100)*2);
} else{
alListenerf(AL_GAIN, (veN1/100)*0.5);

Is not nicely linear. Any idea on how to improve the above? veN1 only goes from 50 to 80.

Many thanks

Your problem occurs because humans don't perceive sound linearly.


float lin_volume = (float)(veN-50) / 30.f;
alListenerf( AL_GAIN, powf(lin_volume, exp) );

where "exp" try E or some other value (>0.0f) that sounds better to you.


Clever solution, Many thanks.

PS: never mind after changing sound format all is fine.

Works fine but one more thing. I want to fade out sound with distance. I've tried alike but I don't understand powf:

float lin_volume = (float)(veN1-50) / 30.f;
if (disZ <= 8){
alListenerf( AL_GAIN, powf(lin_volume, 0.7) );
alListenerf( AL_GAIN, lin_volume-((disX+disY+disZ/3)/100) );

disY etc is distance in x, y and z. So sound should fade out from ca. 8 till 20. But with the above I get weird results while cycling around the source.

Thanks again

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