Hi guys, lately I've been playing a lot of games (because i love games a whole lot, they're kind of a big part of my life) but Also whenever i play my games that i like, i automatically analyze every game that i like and play to try to figure out why developers did the things they did in the game like:
Why did they make the level as it is? Why did they choose this colour scheme? Does the music and the whole game environment suit each other? What was the character inspired by? and etc. most of the time i am able to answer my own questions and i get ideas of how my own game would be like from playing those games and it is such an amazing feeling that i honestly love doing every time. But, there is one big question which i think would require a discussion with different points of view.
What truly makes a enemy/boss hard and how would you design an enemy that players would be wary of? I've played so many amazing games that are difficult: Castlevania 1&3,Demons Souls,Dark Souls 1&2, SMB3 (Super Mario Brothers 3), Ninja Gaiden 1&2 (NES), Ninja Gaiden Sigma (PS3) and many more games like this. I noticed that when you first play these games, everything is difficult because you just started the game and you're just learning and analyzing how to beat the enemies you face, the thing i noticed with most of those games is that after you finished the games and you know the boss patterns, weaknesses and how to get around those enemies and levels because you had experience and the levels gave you clues on how to clear them and enemies had a certain pattern of attacks that you knew about.
I am not saying that's a bad thing, if anything i think those games are gems which have quite a good level design and they're games that i highly enjoyed just like i would enjoy a quality guitar that i purchased. The thing is however, the more you play the more you get better, for example: Yesterday i cleared Dark Souls which was an amazing experience and it took me around 50-60 hours to beat on my first play through.
However, as i played NG+ the game felt miles easier to play because I've already played it and the enemies/bosses, after examining their patterns became a breeze to play through and i feel like i improved from my first play through because it felt like an NES castlevania game to me, when you die its your fault and you learned through those mistakes and after you learned from them it became much more satisfying to know that after hours and so many deaths you defeated/cleared the boss/level. Its an amazing amount of satisfaction which makes the game more memorable because of the many times you failed but succeeded in the end.
However, the thing is that i would like to try something new with enemies and games which i think will be very difficulty to achieve or maybe I am wrong which i am open to any counter arguments but i would like to create enemies/bosses that you have to be wary of because you never know what they're up to and even though you killed them once, you never know if that is the one and only way to kill them. I want enemies and bosses to approach the player in very unorthodox and very surprising ways so that the player has to adapt to the current situation at hand and try to see if they can defeat that enemy by adapting to the situation and trying to find ways they can damage the enemy by trying to examine the enemies current behavior which changes over time.
Of course, for balancing I would make the enemies do some mistakes when facing the player based on how the player adapts to the situation. I would also make the enemies HP and the players HP somewhat similar and make damage quite high so that the fights don't drag out. I would also make the level somewhat reasonably long or short. I want to design enemies so that players, no matter how many times they have played the game, are still very wary of the enemies and every enemy they face is not the same but a new experience.