I've got a bit of an issue.
Two graphic artists who I have hired to be payed for their work require contracts for our agreement.
Both my graphic artists (who are working on separate projects from each other), and I, have agreed to our terms.
I now need a contract for our terms, however, I've never written a contract before and I don't know how or where to find one
that fits the needs of our agreements.
To start off, I'm a Canadian. I haven't asked my artists where they are from yet, but I'm not sure if this matters to the contract(s).
For my first artist, I require a contract that contains the following terms:
- The artist is to be paid XX amount in dollars after all required work is finished (after all graphic art assets are done)
- The artist will receive a 35% profit share from all profits made from the game
- If the artist is to cease communication with the programmer (myself), all of the money that was promised will not be
issued, due to the fact that not all work was done and the graphic artist has failed to communicate with the programmer
- I gain full copyright to the art assets that are made, allowing the artist to freely post them on a portfolio for hiring needs
For my second artist, I require a contract that contains the following terms:
- The artist is to be paid XX amount in dollars after all required work is finished (after all graphic art assets are done)
- The artist will not receive a profit share
- If the artist is to cease communication with the programmer (myself), all of the money that was promised will not be
issued, due to the fact that not all work was done and the graphic artist has failed to communicate with the programmer
- I gain full copyright to the art assets that are made, allowing the artist to freely post them on a portfolio for hiring needs
I have had multiple artists stop communication with me during projects, forcing me to quit projects that I was hoping to be finished. So now that I'm offering money and that I will soon have contracts, I'm hoping that this will stop.
I have no legal background, so I am stumped on where I can find contracts that will suit these needs.
Is it possible to have a contract like this?
If it is, please direct me to where I can find some kind of a contract template that I can officially and legally use for these artists,
in which both myself and they are required to sign and scan digitally.