
Quitting Addictions

Started by May 23, 2014 05:49 AM
37 comments, last by Aardvajk 10 years, 3 months ago

Don't do drugs they are bad(especially marijuana, I would rather go for something heavy like heroine or medicament, I prefer to ruin my life and kill myself the fast way). I'm currently watching few ppl that are ruining their lifes because of the marijuana, so please don't try to convince me. This is evil, fapping is good for your body (just don't forget to drink milk)


What the hell is 'medicament', in the context of an illicit drug? In English the word is just a synonym for 'medicine', in general.

Tristam MacDonald. Ex-BigTech Software Engineer. Future farmer. []


There is porn addiction, you can look it up, but maybe your case is not that serious. Go do a specialist if you really think you're an addict.

I used to think that's I'm an addict, and I had to watch more and more extreme stuff. And then I started having sex. It's very different. I still watch some porn and fap from time to time, but I'm enjoying soft porn better than extreme now.

I find it good that you proactively want to do something about your addictions. I'm a smoker and "stopped" 2 times for about a year and then started again. What really caused me to start again was basically stress. Take it easy.

I'm trying to get more sleep, smoke less, get more exercise, waste less time on internet and... program less. Programming addiciton IS real

Don't do drugs they are bad(especially marijuana, I would rather go for something heavy like heroine or medicament, I prefer to ruin my life and kill myself the fast way). I'm currently watching few ppl that are ruining their lifes because of the marijuana, so please don't try to convince me. This is evil, fapping is good for your body (just don't forget to drink milk)

Come on bro, just be sure to clean the tip of your marijuana needle with some spit before you inject it and you'll have a gnarly time. It is good for your body (Just don't forget to drop medicament).

There is porn addiction, you can look it up, but maybe your case is not that serious. Go do a specialist if you really think you're an addict.

I used to think that's I'm an addict, and I had to watch more and more extreme stuff. And then I started having sex. It's very different. I still watch some porn and fap from time to time, but I'm enjoying soft porn better than extreme now.

My case isn't by any extreme means debilitating but it's still uncomfortable to go without it for periods longer than a day. Last few times I've managed to bring anyone home I really struggled to keep my junk excited; even just giving up in some cases. Really hits you right in the man hood when the only girls that can keep you aroused are Ms Palmers and her five daughters. Unless I'm a really late closet bloomer I may as well give abstinence a go to increase my libido.

I find it good that you proactively want to do something about your addictions. I'm a smoker and "stopped" 2 times for about a year and then started again. What really caused me to start again was basically stress. Take it easy.

I'm trying to get more sleep, smoke less, get more exercise, waste less time on internet and... program less. Programming addiciton IS real

Finally, some people to share the experience with. I've tried quitting more times than I can even remember. Important thing is to never quit quitting. You're only a failure when you give up.

Your authority is not recognized in Fort Kick-ass


I'm trying to get more sleep, smoke less, get more exercise, waste less time on internet and... program less. Programming addiciton IS real

If you want not to fell sleepy quit smoking!

I've actually quit smoking before 3 months. I thought that It will be hard but actually it was somehow easy. I was ready to brainwash myself just to quit that shit that was causing me constant tiredness.

Now I sleep ~9 hrs per day and I'm not feeling sleepy.. If you find quitting try to read "The Easy Way To Stop Smoking" by Allen Carr.

It's not what you're expecting trust me! In short the book is trying to open your eyes, not trying to convince you why you smoke, but rather to explain why you smoke.It really worth reading even If you're not a smoker.

PS: About the "medicament" thing I miss-spelled the word, sorry. It basically mixing medicine with alcohol or any acid. In my native language it is called 'traviclants'.

I think drugs are lame, as lame as it can get..

That sex drugs and rocknroll bullshit that USA spread to the world pisses me of. I will try share my views on it, in the hopes one change his views on it. Or you can change mine.

Here is a humam been, as a member of society he tries to progress, to have a happy life, cause obviously no one wants to be miserable. So the dude needs to manage his happiness, being successful on his life, and consequently he ends up becoming more useful for society. Cause successful, when your a member of society, involves affecting and being affected by ppl around, no human lives independently, unless you dont live in a society (like in a forest).

If someone is sad, he need to change his life, no one will change it for the worse to stop being sad, cause this doesnt make any sense..

That was some really broad introduction to ppls lives from my POV.

Now lets talk about drugs. Heres the sad human been, before he thinks in change his life to be happy, he gets knowing about an easy escape, where he can induct happiness in his brain, with minimal effort. Period, this is the effect of drugs in our society, its the lamest shit there is. Its the lack of capacity of taking care of your own live, its as low as it can gets. Sad ppl that instead of solving their lives, they manage to keep stuck with the same not so happy life, because the happiness is now provided artificially. And with a culture that say drugs are cool unless your dying cause of it, this never goes noticed till it get to healthy issues (if ever). Its an anti evolution product, its society worst enemy, its a cancer.

And dont come saying your happy and successful AND do drugs, cause no one would feel need to use drugs if youre already as satisfied in live as you could be. It doesnt make any sense. Even if youre considered more successful than Joe and do drugs while Joe dont, maye you just successful in what your culture dictates to be successful, not what the coward truly yourself believes.

Oh yeah, I put anti depressives, alcohol, religion and psychiatrists on the same category too, at least most of the times. Its like a new trend, the fuck is wrong with ppl. Maybe ppl should just stop accepting current culture as norm and do what really pleasures them, not what its said to be pleasurable today.

...I feel I will regret to post this >_>;

Oh yeah, about that natural thing that ppl love to talk about...who cares? theres mushrooms that can kill you if you eat, theyr natural too, since when being natural is argument for anything? im not saying that weed is bad, cause I dont know (nor care), I wouldnt use it due the above, but saying its natural as an excuse to use is starting to get in my nerves too. Last I heard any kind of smoke you put in your lungs, even from candle or incenses, are bad for you.

Here is a humam been, as a member of society he tries to progress, to have a happy life, cause obviously no one wants to be miserable. So the dude needs to manage his happiness, being successful on his life, and consequently he ends up becoming more useful for society. Cause successful, when your a member of society, involves affecting and being affected by ppl around, no human lives independently, unless you dont live in a society (like in a forest).



Get one or more around you (friends or family) who care about you enough to actually ask you about your status once a week or more frequently (sometimes called 'accountability partners'). Someone you respect, someone who cares about you, someone who is bold enough to keep questioning you if you give vague responses.

Commit to yourself to 'confess' to your accountability partner if you mess up. Do it in-person, next time you see them (it should be someone you see fairly regularly). Regardless of your thoughts on religion, the reason for confession in the Christian faith is that the act of having to admit, first to yourself, and then to someone you respect, that you've messed up is actually heavily motivating to avoid having to come back too frequently. The point of confession is not to shame you or embarrass you (if so, you have a crappy person you are confessing to), but to motivate you. It's to let the person you are confessing to (again, someone you look up to as a role model or respect as a brother) remind you that your failures don't define you, and that they (and others) care about you despite any mistakes. Make sure you first ask, and that they actually accept, the role as accountability partner though - many people won't want to be constantly 'bugged' by someone else's mistakes as it might remind them of their own unrelated mistakes.

I've found that incredibly helpful during the short foray I had an accountability partner and it showed immediate results. I used a good friend (one of only a few people I count as 'friend', being rather unsocial myself) who also was my roommate, and we mutually used each other as accountability partners for our unrelated struggles. Unfortunately, we physically moved back to different states when our internships ended.

As someone who also struggles with porn, I really need to find a new accountability partner. I've let several family members who care about me know about my struggles (without broadcasting it to everyone - which isn't a good idea), so they help on occasion - but a willing dedicated accountability partner who you commit to confess to when you fail goes alot farther.

Another thing is to observe when and where you are most likely to fail, and try to think of ways you can avoid those situations. Early in the morning, in bed? Commit to get up earlier.

Late at night? Maybe try listening to music in bed to distract you.

When no one else is in the house? Commit to staying off internet-connected devices when nobody else is around.

Few internet filters are perfect, but I find OpenDNS works very well if you give a third party the password. Unfortunately, it either blocks too much or blocks too little - but it does help.

Wars aren't lost through the failure of a single battle, or even a serious of lost battles. If you make a mistake, no matter how bad a mistake it is, you need to realize the real battle is picking yourself up again and keep going after a failure. (On the flip side, don't let that make you complacent to allow more failures "because they don't matter").

You aren't a failure for messing up. Even for continuously messing up. It is much more valiant to keep pressing on despite numerous failures, then to become complacent and give in. You aren't the sum of your mistakes, nor the sum of your successes; you're not even the sum of your willpower or lack of willpower - you're the sum of your own choices. Choose to be stubborn in the face of failure.
I've never personally been addicted to drugs. Unfortunately, I have two brothers (out of several) who got addicted. Both got addicted through the biggest introductory drug dealers: the medical industry. They both started on painkillers mailed to them monthly by hospitals (for legitimate injuries), and progressed through more and more serious drugs before ending up on, I think, morphine.
One was in military bootcamp, got seriously injured, and was medicated into addiction while in the hospital. It took a long while before it surfaced (years), but he's since crashed and burned multiple times and has been in and out of rehab - sometimes lasting as long as several months. He's currently in rehab (only been about two weeks).
My other brother tried to commit suicide (ironically because the military rejected him for being 'too suicidal'), survived it, got addicted to drugs while recovering in the hospital (and shortly after, alcohol as well), crashed and burned multiple times and was taken under the wing by some really hard-core inner-city missionaries, and he's been clean for at least a year - maybe two years. He's doing great and his life is really coming back together and seems genuinely happy.

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