
Quitting Addictions

Started by May 23, 2014 05:49 AM
37 comments, last by Aardvajk 10 years, 3 months ago

This is probably one of the worst forums to discuss this, but it's the only one I have an account on so what the hell.

If there are any other fools such as myself who have taken up smoking or other harmful acts/substances and are trying to quit let's make this a place to keep track of our progress and vent about our temporarily fragile and delicate emotions. I turned 21 almost a week ago and decided to quit my unholy Quadfecta of addictions/unhealthy habits (drinking, FAPPING, smoking, and party drugs) after my final celebration.

Currently as I look at my timer it's been 4 days and 15 hours since I last indulged in any of the previous frivolities. A lot may not think it's no big deal to make it this far but golly gosh I feel different already. Just decided to write this post as it feels like all 4 cravings are attacking me mercilessly at the moment though and I need to distract myself for a bit until they subdue.

The main thing that's been bugging me in the battle so far is how jittery I've become, but that's probably just from all the coffee I've been trying to fill the void with. The positives outweigh the negatives though and if I see this all through I'm sure I'll feel like a million bucks by the end of it; especially since preemptively getting a gym membership with the money I assume I'll be saving from not relapsing.

Enough about me though, is anyone else making a change for the better or have you done so in the past? Got any words of wisdom, or frightful things to say about what will happen if I relapse? Most importantly words of motivation that people can read when going through particularly tough bouts of their addictions.

Your authority is not recognized in Fort Kick-ass

All I can say is, good for you, and good damn luck. You're gonna need it going cold turkey on 4 things at once.

Always keep in mind your reasons for quitting. The human brain is incredibly adept at fooling itself into believing that one has a good reason to relapse with addictions. Do your best not to lose sight of that and you should be OK.

Wielder of the Sacred Wands
[Work - ArenaNet] [Epoch Language] [Scribblings]


All I can say is, good for you, and good damn luck. You're gonna need it going cold turkey on 4 things at once.

Always keep in mind your reasons for quitting. The human brain is incredibly adept at fooling itself into believing that one has a good reason to relapse with addictions. Do your best not to lose sight of that and you should be OK.

Cheers, I'm sure I will need every trace of luck I can get. I've been keeping a journal of my withdrawal pangs to remind myself how awful they are when I get further down the track and think about having "Just one puff". It's the one time I'd like my mind to remember that bad instead of the good (if any) that comes with these habits. Figure this is the best method for doing so since my mind typically represses all bad memories.

Your authority is not recognized in Fort Kick-ass

As someone who quit smoking after 18 years, I assure you it can be done. Though I would suggest you try to eliminate just one or two bad habits first rather than try for all of them at once.

As someone who quit smoking after 18 years, I assure you it can be done. Though I would suggest you try to eliminate just one or two bad habits first rather than try for all of them at once.

In the past I've gone about doing this thinking it would be easier, however I've found that they're co-dependent on each other in my situation. The moment a drop of alcohol touches my lips I will normally lose self control and binge on everything. Masturbation just makes me feel like a pathetic loser and disgusted with myself when the act is done making me fall back on other things (Literally can't believe how addictive this of all things became; my mind has become completely warped in the way I would normally look at girls).

How much have your cravings subdued anyway? I once made it to ~2months but it felt like my recovery had plateaued and I gave in to temptation.

Your authority is not recognized in Fort Kick-ass

how and why did fapping end in that list?

Stefano Casillo
TWITTER: [twitter]KunosStefano[/twitter]
AssettoCorsa - netKar PRO - Kunos Simulazioni


how and why did fapping end in that list?

I should mention that it's tied in with watching porn. Believe me in that it's a real thing. No idea how old you are or if you even partake in the act but it causes some psychological damage. I started charming the snake some ~8 years ago and in the process I started watching crazier porn and in much greater volumes. My mind has become so used to such large and radical amounts of stimulation from being able to switch between as many sexy gals as I'd like all while watching my favorite scenes that normal girls and videos just don't cut it for me anymore.

I've never been much of a ladies man but I've noticed that I've started becoming shy and even intimidated around girls because they're not the same as the porn-stars I'd watch in my dark depressing room. After only 4 days I feel that this is starting to dissipate though. It may just be some form of Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon but two girls asked if they could sit next to me in class today which doesn't seem to normally happen. I like to think it's because they saw that I wasn't just some loser who came out of a dark room wasting his seed into a sock. MASTURBATION IS THE DEVIL I'm just as concerned about it as with all my other bad habits.

Your authority is not recognized in Fort Kick-ass

haa... haa ... this is one of the most irrelevant post i have ever seen !! :D

John Farrell

Technical Consultant

Rapidsoft Technologies Pvt. Ltd.


haa... haa ... this is one of the most irrelevant post i have ever seen !! biggrin.png

I'm sure there are at least some people on this board who can relate. Heck, I'll become a better game developer when I'm cured and can focus my energy. tongue.png

Your authority is not recognized in Fort Kick-ass

how and why did fapping end in that list?

I like to think it's because they saw that I wasn't just some loser who came out of a dark room wasting his seed into a sock. MASTURBATION IS THE DEVIL I'm just as concerned about it as with all my other bad habits.


I almost forgot how hard is to be in the 20s tongue.png

dude relax... it gets better trust me biggrin.pngbiggrin.pngbiggrin.png

Stefano Casillo
TWITTER: [twitter]KunosStefano[/twitter]
AssettoCorsa - netKar PRO - Kunos Simulazioni

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