
How to read this pie graph?

Started by May 20, 2014 04:32 AM
8 comments, last by tom_mai78101 10 years, 3 months ago

This is a very minor and stupid question, but it's breaking me down for no reason.


In the "Business" and "Creative" labels, which is pointing to the larger portion of the pie graph?

It's actually impossible to tell, one is 0% and the other is like 3%. Which one did you never (or almost never) post in? Business and law and so on, or the Creative subforums (game design, writing for games, etc...)?

“If I understand the standard right it is legal and safe to do this but the resulting value could be anything.”


I have no idea why, but my brain seems to think that the "logical" answer is Business is the smaller one.

"Spending your life waiting for the messiah to come save the world is like waiting around for the straight piece to come in Tetris...even if it comes, by that time you've accumulated a mountain of shit so high that you're fucked no matter what you do. "

Thinking about how I would have implemented the pie drawing, I too think that "Business" is likely to be the smaller one.

It makes sense to sort the pie pieces on size, and then it makes sense to label them in the same order as they are sorted.

So the smallest one would be at the top.

Thinking about how I would have implemented the pie drawing, I too think that "Business" is likely to be the smaller one.

It makes sense to sort the pie pieces on size, and then it makes sense to label them in the same order as they are sorted.

So the smallest one would be at the top.

It's also conceivable the labels might simply be sorted alphabetically tongue.png perhaps Mike can tell us, though most likely it's up to the forum software (IPS or something I think?)

“If I understand the standard right it is legal and safe to do this but the resulting value could be anything.”

Mike shall deliver. I'm waiting. happy.png


Until mike gives the answer, I'd like to present some more evidence smile.png

Behold my pie chart:


Clockwise sorted from biggest to smallest.

Also, if you right click on your pie chart, you can get the url to that generate the pie chart, and there you can look for this part: chd=t:354,172,50,26&chl=Technical|Social|Creative|Business

Where you can see the exact values for each slice

Ah, thanks.

So, from this point on, any labels with the lines bundled together when pointing at a pie graph, the pieces in the pie graph are sorted and labeled from top to bottom, just like this one?

I agree that the chart might be a bit confusing, but look at the table right next to it, as well as the list of forums.

You can hover over the "Forums" item on the menu to see what qualifies as Technical, Social, Business, and Creative.

EDIT: Trying to make this format correctly, it seems to have a bunch of white space when I view it after posting, but I can't find a good way to fix it: [table][th=3]Forum Posts[/th]
[tr][td]For Beginners[/td][td]201[/td][td]<-- Technical subcategory[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]General Programming[/td][td]177[/td][td]<-- Technical subcategory[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]GDNet Lounge[/td][td]132[/td][td]<-- Social subcategory[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Game Programming[/td][td]70[/td][td]<-- Technical subcategory[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]DirectX and XNA[/td][td]40[/td][td]<-- Technical subcategory[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Mobile and Console Development[/td][td]39[/td][td]<-- Technical subcategory[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Math and Physics[/td][td]36[/td][td]<-- Technical subcategory[/td][/tr][/table]

Those are your major posting areas, they table numbers correspond with the graph.

There are some small number of posts to the other clusters of business and creative, but not in your top seven so we cannot see the counts.

I can see that they are sorted by count, my order is "technical, social, business, creative"

It is very useful at a glance for admins and moderators. There are a few people with many posts in Social but very few (or zero) posts in the other categories. Sometimes the "lounge lizards" can become a problem, and it makes them quick to identify.

Thanks again. Very appreciated.

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