
It's getting harder to be myself in real life...

Started by May 16, 2014 03:07 AM
26 comments, last by ApochPiQ 9 years, 9 months ago

Between learning to play Dwarf Fortress and learning assembly, Id rather learn assembly. >_>"

Funny, I'm getting increasingly jaded by indie games that try to appeal to some retro-NES nostalgia. I know half the time it's just a marketing veneer over the reality of scarce development resources, but the whole "used car salesman" approach to it just makes it worse in my book.

I've actually got a lot of respect for indie games that try to push high-quality visuals. Sure, 99% of them are survival sandboxes, but that's the flavor of the month I guess.

I'm sure that's rather oppositional to and unpopular on this particular board given the number of indie devs here, but just like with your grievances, nobody really cares about honest opinions as long as the board doesn't get inundated with them (*cough* politics and religion *cough*).

This is better than I could have said it. If I see an indie game that resembles minecraft or some other wanna-be 8-bit retro style pixel art, I immediately lose interest and move on. I guess when you're from the real 8-bit era (and understand that being 8-bit doesn't mean "pixelated") you're far less likely to be impressed.



Allow me to introduce NetHack.

NetHack, successor to Rogue, is OK. But it's a gateway drug. It is raiding daddy's valium from the medicine cabinet compared to the neck-vein mainlined heroin that is Dwarf Fortress. Now that guy has thought of everything, and he's adding even more.

Dwarf Fortress is more RTS than RPG. If you prefer city building to dungeon crawling, by all means go that route.

I disagree that DF has the same depth, especially as the dev team is about 1% of the size and the number of development years is relatively tiny. DF is one man and his brother for ideas, in a basement for a few years; NetHack was roughly 100 experienced developers collaborating over usenet for over a decade with frequent updates and corrections.

But if DF is more your preferred genre, go for it. I found it considerably more shallow, but maybe Tarn (the one lonely programmer) has exponentially expounded on the intellectual depth since I last played.

@frob: For the rogue-like side of DF (adventure mode) you should give it a go again when the new version comes out in a month or two, according to the dev logs he had indeed exponentially expanded that part (which make me sad given that I play fortress mode only).

(very late) edit: That said it's definitively not the same kind of depth as Nethack.

All the flapy bird and 2048 clones in the app stores are really annoying. One reason not to make your game to simple is that people can't clone it as easily

My CVMy money management app: ELFSHMy game about shooting triangles: Lazer of Death

It is the same thing in other industries which is why you never have Die hard or Transformers being given an acadamy award because these are the dumbed down films. And you don't get the "What does the Fox say" being given a Grammy.

Bad examples, Die Hard is the Doom and Transformers is the Call of Duty. Die Hard is a great classic of a great era of movies, up there with Robocop.


It is the same thing in other industries which is why you never have Die hard or Transformers being given an acadamy award because these are the dumbed down films. And you don't get the "What does the Fox say" being given a Grammy.

Bad examples, Die Hard is the Doom and Transformers is the Call of Duty. Die Hard is a great classic of a great era of movies, up there with Robocop.

Funny that, as much as I like Die Hard, I'm not so sure "the 80s" was considered a great era of movies. At least, nobody would have said that in the 90s. It may be a bit of a seasoning thing, sort of like how every "Golden Age" is always at least a decade into the past, usually much more.

It's getting harder to be myself in real life...

Hmm, what does playing games have to do with RL ?

If anything you don't seem to be looking for the games that entertain you, but that's about it.

It's getting harder to be myself in real life...

Hmm, what does playing games have to do with RL ?

If anything you don't seem to be looking for the games that entertain you, but that's about it.

Yea this thread went from "real life" in the title to being about playing games (?).

"Smoke me a kipper i'll be back for breakfast." -- iOS: Science Fiction Quiz

"It's getting harder to be myself in gaming..."


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