
Top 3 things in a Brawler game

Started by May 15, 2014 07:23 PM
0 comments, last by shuma-gorath 10 years, 4 months ago

Hello there,

I'm doing some research for a potential game project so I headed to these forums in search for people's opinions on Brawler games. I searched for threads on this topic (please direct me there if one exists) but couldn't find one so I created this one.

I would like to know what you think are the top three things that are essential for a brawler game, and why.

Thank you!


- The key to any great idea is to keep it simple. -

Catchy music, diverse set of enemies, ability to hurt the other player(s)

-Without catchy music, things can feel monotonous

-Without a diverse set of enemies, things WILL BE monotonous

-Being able to hurt the other player(s) helps keep them in check, plus it makes the game funnier (Not having this won't necessarily break a game, but it's something I've come to expect)

Vehicles/rideable beasts are nice to have but not essential.

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