
Gamedev RPG

Started by May 15, 2014 01:29 PM
7 comments, last by TheChubu 10 years, 4 months ago

I'm mixing Gamedev, a dream I had, and my weariness of RPGs.

**hope this doesn't offend anyone. Now, let the story begin**

Shane C says, "So let me get this straight, I have to fight a bazillion monsters and some boss with three transformations at the end to get this terrible game over?"

"That's right," said GearTreeEntertainment.

Shane C says, "Yeah, and with my luck, at the end of the game the villain will turn out to be my father."

"Now let's find party members!" said GearTreeEntertainment.

"F what?" said Shane C.

A random battle begins.

"So what do I do with this monster? Do we eat them?" said Shane C.

"Don't be silly, we fight them to become stronger," said GearTreeEntertainment.

"You know I was thinking, I want to become a detective," said Shane C. "So instead of fighting the boss at the end of the game, why don't we frame him for something and get him arrested?"

"Like what?" said GearTreeEntertainment.

"Well with all the endangered beasts we will kill through random battles, we're bound to get a life sentence," said Shane C. "Maybe we put all the dead bodies in our backpack and throw them at his fortress to make it look like he done it?"

"Good idea!" said GearTreeEntertainment.

The battle ends.

"Let's go through four to eight dungeons looking for the final guy," said GearTreeEntertainment.

"Okay," said Shane C.

"But be careful - once you solve each dungeon's puzzle, you face a boss," said GearTreeEntertainment.

"You mean like jigsaw puzzles?" said Shane C.

"Haha, no," said GearTreeEntertainment.

You meet the final guy.

"Sup?" said dsm1891, the final guy.

Cops surround dsm1891 to arrest him for killing endangered species.

"Wait! I'm innocent, I tell you!" said dsm1891.

Da End.

To be honest, when I read the thread title I was hoping for a game concept where the player character is on a quest to develop the next greatest MMORPG. I envision a sandbox RPG style sort of thing where you somehow level up to advance your programming skills and sell your works so you can afford more advanced equipment.


To be honest, when I read the thread title I was hoping for a game concept where the player character is on a quest to develop the next greatest MMORPG. I envision a sandbox RPG style sort of thing where you somehow level up to advance your programming skills and sell your works so you can afford more advanced equipment.

Awesome. laugh.png

Which MMORPG? The hockey MMO or the one built in HTML with variables?

Regarding the MMORPG idea... the villains can be all the ones who caution you or don't believe in you.

the villains can be all the ones who caution you

The shock twist is that the people you think are villains are actually the good guys? :)

- Jason Astle-Adams


the villains can be all the ones who caution you

The shock twist is that the people you think are villains are actually the good guys? smile.png

Indeed. It's just that sometimes when you help people wanting to make "the next big MMORPG", I get the impression that they think your "cautioning" them is really enemy-izing it.

I think there are enough obstacles to overcome that you don't really need villains.

I see more something that essentially comes down to a never ending series of fetch quests where you go off looking for whatever information you need to build onto your ever expanding idea. Then maybe some sort of mini-game thing like a traditional JRPG combat sequence to apply the info. Except where a traditionally combat leaves you feeling like you've progressed in some way, the result here is that your eyes are progressively opened up to how much more you need to learn and how far you are from your goal.

Which MMORPG? The hockey MMO or the one built in HTML with variables?
Which one of the 10 thousand concepts of hockey MMOs are you talking about?


My journals: dustArtemis ECS framework and Making a Terrain Generator

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