
Requesting development aid for a new game!

Started by May 15, 2014 12:44 AM
0 comments, last by Hodgman 10 years, 4 months ago
Well, recently, I've been wanting to develop a new game, amd well...I'm sort of...lacking in the Game dev team department...bottom line, my team has one admin, and one member...both of them are me; and I need a few veteran faces in the team to help me: I need a few sound designers, a few graphical designers, for sprites and levels, and I need a few programmers!
Here are the requirements:
A steam account,
willingness to develop a game that is going to be sent to the market for everyone to play free of charge,
Game maker: studio, or Pro,
and willingness to work with a beginner!
I look forward to doing business with you!
PS, my steam account is [deleted by mod], message me if you're interested!

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