Just reading book(s) will probably not get you hired. I guess potentially a junior position, or some interning type job (with a potential for advancement) might be the only realistic options.
What I see suggested most often is just... make something.
If you've got something you've made, e.g. a prototype or a mod or anything, it's vastly more interesting for future employers than just having a "I read this book" on a CV/resume. It shows you can actually produce and work with stuff that's a lot more tangible/real than just "I have some knowledge which might apply here".
Note that, by trying to make something and learning from it, you will almost invariably have to read and research a ton of stuff you don't know. Making something doesn't replace reading books, it adds to it.
If you prefer books over sources (or vice versa) is probably only a personal preference. Some people prefer to read and spend time on their own, others gain more from having someone give a lecture and being able to ask directly. I don't think there's a 1 true answer there.