Using a program to run others
I was wondering how in the world would you get one program to run another. Like a front end for quake or gamespy for example, they are able to run other programs then shut itself down. I''m just wondering how you do the running other programs part. I''ve read and scan through many books and the closes i''ve ever gotten was loading and storing files. Can help me?
In windows you''d use the ShellExecute function.
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Thanks, you''ve just motiveated me to start practicing again. I stopped because i keep getting stuck.
Ok i was looking through msdn and look at it's structure. Pretty self explanatory, but one thing. I keep getting this error when i compile:
demo3_1.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "struct HINSTANCE__ * __cdecl ShellExecute(struct HWND__ *,char const *,char const *,char const *,char const *,int)" (?ShellExecute@@YAPAUHINSTANCE__@@PAUHWND__@@PBD111H@Z)
Release/3_1.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals
My code is
ShellExecute(NULL, "open", "quake3.exe", NULL, "C:", SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED);
I also get something about an unresolved externals when i try to use playsound in Lamothe's WGPG. I even try to compile his code and i get that error. Very strange.
Edited by - mack on November 3, 2001 1:55:52 AM
demo3_1.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "struct HINSTANCE__ * __cdecl ShellExecute(struct HWND__ *,char const *,char const *,char const *,char const *,int)" (?ShellExecute@@YAPAUHINSTANCE__@@PAUHWND__@@PBD111H@Z)
Release/3_1.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals
My code is
ShellExecute(NULL, "open", "quake3.exe", NULL, "C:", SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED);
I also get something about an unresolved externals when i try to use playsound in Lamothe's WGPG. I even try to compile his code and i get that error. Very strange.
Edited by - mack on November 3, 2001 1:55:52 AM
You have not linked their libraries. Check the msdn for which libraries to link.
The library doesnt show the requirements you need to use the function. Normally i see it says "header: time.h" and "library winmm.h" or something, but this function doesnt have it.
I got MSVC++ 6
I got MSVC++ 6
About to go crazy. No difference. If i include a prototype then it has the unresolve extrernal blah blah blah, but if i leave it out then i get an undeclared identifier. I think MY VC++ or my program is screwed. I might just reinstall it or make a bare bones program to test it later tonight. I got to get back to work in a couple so I can't do it now.
BTW the function looks like this in the library:
HINSTANCE ShellExecute(
HWND hwnd,
LPCTSTR lpOperation,
LPCTSTR lpParameters,
LPCTSTR lpDirectory,
INT nShowCmd
be back in about 3 hours...
Edited by - mack on November 3, 2001 8:24:09 PM
BTW the function looks like this in the library:
HINSTANCE ShellExecute(
HWND hwnd,
LPCTSTR lpOperation,
LPCTSTR lpParameters,
LPCTSTR lpDirectory,
INT nShowCmd
be back in about 3 hours...
Edited by - mack on November 3, 2001 8:24:09 PM
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