
Book Recommendations

Started by May 08, 2014 03:39 AM
0 comments, last by Xirion 10 years, 4 months ago

Hi there!

My dream is that someday i'll have my own game studio, and one thing i'd like to do is to have a little library that helps for reference, i'd like to have books about game design, game development, music and audio, graphic design, screen writing (i don't know if that is the correct term), cinematography, philosophy, etc. ( And some books like Harry Potter, TLOTR, why not)

I know there's a section about books here, but i'd like to know if any of you have more recommendations.

Anything that would help to create great videogames.

Thank you.

PS : Later i will add some of the books i already have in case it may help someone here.

PS2: If this is not the correct section of the forum please move it, i didn't know where to post this.

As promised here are some of the books i already have, most of them are Artbooks, and some of them are Spanish editions. I will not post the technical books (C++, Android, Maya) i have since they are in spanish and are a little old.

A Disney Sketchbook
A History of Weapons
[Allpose Book] 9_Action poses(a)
[Allpose Book] B_Dynamic poses
[Allpose Book] C_Lover poses
Dracopedia The Bestiary
How to Draw Manga Volume 1 : Compiling Characters
Monster Hunter Illustrations

The Art of Frozen

The Art of Spirited Away

The Art of Tangled

The Art of Up

The Weatherly Guide to Drawing Animals
Theory of Fun for Game Design
Shonen Manga: Action-Packed!
Escribir e Ilustrar libros infantiles
Manual de hechiceros

Vestidos del mundo

As you can see i don't have any book about Audio, Screenwriting, Philosophy, Cinematography yet since i have little to no knowledge about those topics, any recommendation is welcome.

Some of the books i want to get are:

The Hero with a Thousand Faces

Level Up! The Guide to Great Video Game Design

You by Austin Grossman

Challenges for Game Designers

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