
I need your opinion moving forward

Started by May 07, 2014 10:56 PM
11 comments, last by JohnnyCode 10 years, 4 months ago

Lot of things and platforms adviced. That is good, but I would like to throw up my personal opinion on you again:

If you do not wish to waste your time and resources anymore, produce in HTML5 along with JS or some of its frameworks (node.js, jquery?).

It is something that runs everywhere, platform irelevant. HTML5 browser is the every browser those days already.

Though I must say that development tools and frames on this platform are still surprisingly tiny and empty. I would be glad to hear some other cons of this platform.

I would definetly not recommend HTML5 for media heavy mobile applications. (On pc-browsers it's a bit better).

Could you please elaborate more over this ?

I would definetly not recommend HTML5 for media heavy mobile applications. (On pc-browsers it's a bit better).

Could you please elaborate more over this ?

HTML5 performance is alright on mobiles but isn't so hot on low spec devices with a lot of things going on.

As a former professional Flash developer. Flash CS sucks. FlashDevelop is the only way to go if you have access to a Windows machine. Having said that, AIR is still a viable choice for mobile currently. Starling has made great strides in bringing hardware acceleration to Flash. It's really great on new devices but much like HTML5 the performance isn't super hot on low end stuff. You will need to buy or write your own native extensions to do most of any of the mobile specific stuff (in app purchases, system storage, ads, etc). Dealing with the Adobe/Apple combo is a serious pain though.

Having said that, AIR is still a viable choice for mobile currently. Starling has made great strides in bringing hardware acceleration to Flash. It's really great on new devices but much like HTML5 the performance isn't super hot on low end stuff.

I first thought that an external process that snaps a window reference to opened browser window with minimum of browser trated resources (output on window, input of window) is the best fastest possibility, but that is 2 things :

- it is flash(ing)

- forever lucking of security on OS of the browser in question

- no need of provider to invest in effective compiling of trated instructions (swf)

- OS dependancy

Such a plug in way will always force the developer to OS dependancy, or, force provider to maintain everlasting problematic providing off from OS (Flash)

yet, HTML5 is totaly OS unspecific, with browser becoming the actual robust standardized platform. JS compilation those days will outperform c++, asmjs, ask any V8 enginer. JS does not have to be slower- it can be as fast as native perfect code (perfect js), this is just a job of compiler which has also an advantage of intime compilation, or even run time recompilation. That is realy the future with no trade of"s. There is only a difficulty for developers, no one else, and that said, it has to be done. There are still performance gaps left (are there yet?), but they will get sealed soon.

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