
NES console remade in HD

Started by May 06, 2014 02:58 PM
11 comments, last by powerneg 10 years, 4 months ago
I'm hijacking my own thread, instead of making a new thread for this. So feel free to talk about both topics.

Given that Nintendo has had 3 VR/3D systems: Famicom 3D System, Virtual Boy, and 3DS and given that VR is going to come on to the scene in a big way, I wonder why Nintendo hasn't announced making another VR headset. It's not like they don't have the expertise or games in place. They were pioneers (for console games) in this field and now they are just going to let everyone else pass them by?

Beginner in Game Development?  Read here. And read here.


Why everyone is so sure that oculus rift will be such success/revolution..

In my 3th world person view, this is just a rich kids toy.. I dont know anyone who have a 120 hz monitor and fancy 3d glasses, for example.

I dont see this becoming common so soon, even if carmack is on it. I see this as a really slow process. You think Im too off?


I'm pretty sure there is already software out there that uses a webcam to detect motion, a specialized VR-device will off course have a few advantages over such software,

but it sounds like a storm in a glass water to me as well.

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