Hello, I recently created a website for my studio, and I'm looking for suggestions to improve it. I would really appreciate if you checked it out and gave me a few suggestions. The link is http://www.ecorproductions.com. I hope I placed this in the correct section, if not I apologize. Thanks in advance
Suggestions for my Website
Donations Tab looks needy.
There are no games up there.
Blog looks needy, articles:comments ratio is nil.
Is it a wordpress website? Look like it, not that your game's players would care really.
Found the game, color something, should be downloadable/playable from website, too many clicks.
Currently, there are two games, and they can both be downloaded straight from the site by clicking "download file". I made it using weebly because my web design skills aren't very good. Not sure what to do about the blog and donations tabs
Not a bad start for someone without great web design skills, but I think you could improve on it. Suggestions, in no particular order:
The front page doesn't serve much purpose at the moment, and the huge logo isn't an efficient use of space. I would:
- Have a much smaller version of the "E" logo up next to the "ECORPRODUCTIONS" text in the nav bar, and get rid of the larger logo image below.
- Remove the "HOMEPAGE" text that is currently next to the large logo, and either just remove the "Long name, great games" tagline entirely or move it up to be below the "ECORPRODUCTIONS" header in the nav bar.
- I'd remove the "Facebook fan page" button, but if you wanted to keep it I'd change it to a "like us on Facebook" button, preferably of the standard sort you see all over the web rather than as a mock-3d button as it is now.
- With the above changes made your "what should go here" content box would now appear immediately below the nav bar and would be the only major feature of the home page. This "front and centre" location is the place you should showcase your games -- people shouldn't have to go looking for them!
- Duplicate your social media icons with calls to action included in the footer. This is where your "like us on Facebook" and "follow us on Twitter" links go. The footer is also a good place for a "like our games? Donate:" link, which does seem a bit needy on it's own page.
Here's a very quick and rough mock-up of what some of these changes might look like:
You would also want to make the layout of the game links consistent by using the same sized image, and include a brief description of each game. Rename the "download file" links to "download game" to be more obvious.
Rename "feedback" to "contact" or "contact us", and clean it up to just a simple contact form and any other contact information you want to include. I'd drop the "user survey".
Why is there a dropdown when you hover over "blog"? There's only one option, and none of the other buttons have drop-downs, so it's inconsistent. On the blog page, the big "news" image header is wasting space -- I'd get rid of it and just get straight to the content, or maybe have a smaller text header rather than the huge image. Put some more content in your entries so that they're worth reading. The "gray matters is ready" post is the perfect place to tell us a bit about the game and show off a screenshot or two or an embedded YouTube video. There should also be a direct link to download or quick-play the game included. Fill out all of your entries with additional content in the same way; it's not worth posting an update unless you actually have something meaningful to say.
Hope some of that helps!
- Jason Astle-Adams
Thanks, these suggestions are really helpful. I took the suggestions and sort of blended them with my own ideas and I'm very happy with the results
First observation:
Most of your site is blocked due to cross-site scripting. Why does your web page need resources from 5 different servers? The only one on my whitelist is google apis, the rest are blocked, so I don't know what content I'm missing. I don't trust you (or the other servers) enough to unblock any of them for this web page.
The quickplay links also don't work, probably also because I am not enabling cross-site scripting to view them. They probably would work if I enabled them, but I don't know you well enough for that.
No offense, but XSS attacks are the #1 web attack vector. People who care about online security generally block XSS by default, using plugins like ghostery, noscript, safescript, and others. I know companies like to use XSS for tracking and for advertisements, but cross-site scripts are the most frequently blocked thing online. Why are you using them? That is nice that you trust those companies enough for your web site, but that doesn't mean consumers will trust those companies as well.
I don't know enough about how websites work to fix these things. My lack of knowledge is also why I went through weebly to create the site. All of the technical side of the site are handled by weebly's site creator. I'll most likely remove the quickplay links as they link to another site. I skimmed through the wikipedia page, but again, I don't know enough to understand it