
Review my portfolio

Started by May 03, 2014 01:07 AM
2 comments, last by alaslipknot 10 years, 9 months ago

Hello everyone,

Due to some unfortunate circumstance the company i was working for has decided to take a break and review the strategy of its products, which completely ruined my plans for the summer angry.png

so before starting to search and apply for a new job (freelancer) i decided to make a more polished portfolio with project that i am proud of rolleyes.gif

Please take a look and tell me what do you think :

thank you

"It's not at all important to get it right the first time. It's vitally important to get it right the last time."

Blog Games 2DNoobsArt

I like it! Keep it up. Have you considered the iPhone for your 2d games?


One suggestion. When I click on a game, but then I need install something, and then try out the game, figure out how it works, etc, I'm not going to see the cool stuff. In fact, if I was an employer, I might not even go that far. It would be good to highlight the best parts of all your games in a 60 second video. Nothing to install, and I don't have to play anything. You can even setup various cool shots or gameplay moments.

Remember, second best clip first, best clip last, good stuff in the middle.

I think, therefore I am. I think? - "George Carlin"
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I like it! Keep it up. Have you considered the iPhone for your 2d games?

Thank you biggrin.png and yes i always thought that it's a good idea to try the AppStore but i can't afford a Mac and iPhone at this moment but i will definitely publish something for the iOs one day smile.png

One suggestion. When I click on a game, but then I need install something, and then try out the game, figure out how it works, etc, I'm not going to see the cool stuff. In fact, if I was an employer, I might not even go that far. It would be good to highlight the best parts of all your games in a 60 second video. Nothing to install, and I don't have to play anything. You can even setup various cool shots or gameplay moments.

Remember, second best clip first, best clip last, good stuff in the middle.

Thank you smile.png

and yes you are right, actually i was thinking about some sort of a 5-10 seconds Gif maybe ? but i was afraid from making the page heavier than it should.

And i am organizing the items based on creation date as i think that 99% the newer things are always better since my skills must be improved compared to the latest project, but yes i agree to highlight the best ideas.

Thank you all i really appreciate your feedback :)

"It's not at all important to get it right the first time. It's vitally important to get it right the last time."

Blog Games 2DNoobsArt

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