
What do you do if you have a project that you want to pass it off to other devs?

Started by April 27, 2014 01:52 PM
10 comments, last by Truerror 10 years, 4 months ago

I was just being silly. Before you hand off a project to someone else, I was suggesting to make them confused by inserting misleading comments that look like they shouldn't touch anything.

That wouldn't confuse them. A good programmer would see that and immediately jump to those areas to try and fix them, but upon finding nothing wrong would start thinking bad of tom_mai or any other programmer that did that because it makes it look like you don't bother updating your TODOs as you go (unorganized).

Wouldn't that discourage collaboration and future plans? Since they are not being paid to work on it, they would instantly give up and abandon it, which isn't my goal when passing it off to other devs.

It would make them not want to work with you because it makes you look unorganized. If you put in things that lie like that, it could also make you look untrustworthy to programmers.

When you aren't working in person, online image is everything. So it is best to put it on GitHub, make sure everything is up-to-date, and let others fork it. Just be sure to include a license that requires them to give credit to you as the original creator as some can glaze over it and remove your contribution as the project's creator.

I was just being silly. Before you hand off a project to someone else, I was suggesting to make them confused by inserting misleading comments that look like they shouldn't touch anything.

Instead of that, do this:

TODO: Make an AlienShip here. Then make sure to tell E.T. to phone home.
TODO: Invite Lisa to dinner tonight. Which I'm sure I won't do because I'm writing my remainder here instead of my calendar app.
TODO: Make something so we can automate object destruction. BURN, BABY, BURN!!!!

It might actually interest people...

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