
The ninth element...

Started by November 01, 2001 09:59 PM
17 comments, last by Clovis2000 22 years, 10 months ago
i''ve got your answer:
Psychic Force.
there ya go.
Maybe "Planar" or "Ethereal", where you can summon things from different planes or universes to do your bidding. Or maybe you can have use a psychic one such as "Mind".
If i were u, i would choose time because its the basis of all life...

[Edited by - kmsixpence on October 17, 2005 6:07:48 PM]
how about "The Force", plain and simple
I suggest "Time".
Have you ever played stone-paper-scissors? None of the possible shapes is more powerful than all the others, which makes it impossible to win a game of SPS via 'having the best hand'.

I think the RPG would be more exciting if no individual element was more powerful than another, but instead they could be more powerful only when combined.

Material  Energetic  Ethereal Earth     Cold       Order Water     Lightning  Life Air       Heat       Chaos 

Fire = Air + Heat
Ice = Water + Cold
Thunder = Air + Lightning
Water = Water
Earth = Earth
Wind = Air + Chaos
Holy = Life? Order + Life?
Shadow = Chaos? Chaos + Life?

Failing that, if the last element is indeed the most powerful, then I'd imagine it must be present in everything. Perhaps Existence, Reality?

All your bases belong to us

Edited by - Mayrel on November 3, 2001 10:38:01 AM
The ninth element? Duh. Milla Jovovich.
Ether maybe?

In the famous chinese book by Wu C. everything is made up of Ether. It exists in everything. This can perhaps be combined with Mayrel''s suggestion about having an element from which all the others came.
The AP above was me.

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