
In need professional interviews for school

Started by April 09, 2014 02:12 PM
-1 comments, last by BrandonLocker 10 years, 5 months ago


My name is Brandon Locker. I am in my second to last term for my BS in Game Development with Westwood. I need to have a total of three interviews by 4/13/14. It is recommended and preferred if these are done in person or over the phone (we are allowed to use Skype and VoIP). I had all 3 lined up two weeks ago then 2 of my interviewees dropped out on my yesterday (4/8/14). I was wondering if anyone in this community can help me out. I am looking for programmers and QA (testers) that are working for a company (it can be an Indy company).

Thanks in advance,

Brandon Locker

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