After reading about them, I've been trying to switch over from an OOP setup to using an entity-component system, but I've had some trouble with dependencies. For example, an entity might want to help members of the same team, so when the AI system is doing processing on that entity's components, it needs a list of other entities on the same team. I saw some examples maintained a list of pointers to entities on the same team, so I tried doing something similar: I defined a Group struct that contains a label and a vector of pointers to the entities that make up that Group:
struct Group {
std::string name;
std::vector<Entity*> entities;
Both Entities and Groups are contained in larger objects called Scenes, which have as part of their constructor:
entList.push_back(Entity());// First entity added to a std::vector<Entity> called entList
entList[0].entName = std::string("Cam0");
groupList.push_back(Group());//First group added to an std::vector<Group> called groupList
groupList[0].name = std::string("Cameras");
groupList[0].entities.push_back(&entList[0])// Hopefully adds a pointer to the first entity in the Scene's entList
This way I can easily and directly access entities in a specific group without having to iterate all the time over ever entity in the entList. The entity list itself seems to be working fine, but I have trouble whenever I try to access entities through the groupList. Code like the following gives me an access violation error:
Scene scn = Scene();
std::cout << "\n" << scn.entList[0].entName;// This works
std::cout << "\n" << scn.groupList[0].entities[0]->entName;// This gives me an access violation
I think there's something wrong with my understanding of pointers. This thread presented a problem similar to mine, with the suggestion that the OP had made a pointer but hadn't initialized it yet. I'm pretty sure I'm initializing it to &entList[0] with the line groupList[0].entities.push_back(&entList[0]); but maybe vectors of pointers work differently. A google search for "C++ vectors of pointers" didn't seem to indicate that, though. push_back ought to copy the given value to a new element at the vector's end, no? So it should be initialized.
In another attempt to debug, I tried making the following change in Scene's initializer:
groupList.push_back(Group());//First group added to an std::vector<Group> called groupList
groupList[0].name = std::string("Cameras");
groupList[0].entities.push_back(NULL)// Initialize it to NULL
grouplist[0].entities[0] = &entList[0];// Change it to point to the first entity in the Scene's entList.
Then this runs fine and outputs the text "not null":
if (groupList[0].entities[0] != NULL) std::cout << "not null"
Which makes me think even more that the initialization is going fine, but then why am I still getting an access violation error whenever I try to access that entity's members through the group's pointer list?
Perhaps it's a simple error but it's driving me mad trying to find it; all the tutorials I re-read about pointers convince me I've got the right idea, but somehow I must not.