
Good books is what I need.

Started by November 01, 2001 02:43 PM
7 comments, last by Ashleywlee 23 years, 1 month ago
But what books would you recommend for Mircosoft Visual C++ 6.0? I am already getting Microsoft Visual C++ deluxe learning edition. But I do not know what books it comes with. Could you recommend some books to help me learn programming then get into game creation? Thank you.
Sams Teach Yourself C++ in 21 Days

That is the one that people always seem to recommend. Haven''t read it myself though. Supposed to be a great book for learning c++

Tricks of the windows game programming gurus

I just got this one, and have heard many good things about it. It seems pretty good so far, and goes over quite a bit.
The Sams book is excellent, and then after that you might want to get a book called "MFC Programming from the Ground Up". Even though it says MFC on the cover, it actually covers conventional windows programming pretty good too, in fact, very well in my opinion. It explains it the best I''ve seen.

The "Ground Up" series of books is very good.


As been stated SAMS TY(V)C++ is mentioned over and over. I personally don''t give those books the time of day because those are "pinch" books for people that need to get something done in a time frame while skipping many things in the process. You can disagree with me, but for this post let''s agree to disagree.

I''ve asked around over the last few months after seeing that book referenced so much over and over. Surprisingly though, out of the small *and unscientific* survey that I took all the people that I hold in high regard are familiar with "The Waite Group''s Object Oriented Programming with C++" by Robert LaFore as one of their first books on C++. It seem to be a common title among all the competant programmers that I know.

My advice is go to the store read a few chapters and find one that "feels right" when you read it and is adaptive to your learning style. Just don''t expect to learn it overnight if you have absolutely know idea what you are doing. No book is going to teach you that and that much I will garauntee.




I also liked Programming in Windows By Charles Petzold but not advisable unless you are proficient at atleast C.
Hello from my world
Well no book stores near me have anything on Visual C++. All they seem to have are earlier books on C or C++. I have also started a group that we would need to learn together using books as reference. Though we all seem to be good in math (example is that I have high grades like a 99 on my last math midterm). I do know some programming from python but it is realativly new and not as good as C++. That is why I was asking for some good books. I would like to say if you want to check out what we have done, which would not be much except the money for books and stuff to buy to start out with, check out the site
and no this site has nothing to do with viruses or anything of the sort (I know because I run the group). Please just give me some more suggestions so i can do research on the info that the books have.
What books to get really just depends on where you are at in your learning. You are in the beginners forum so I''m assuming you know next to nothing about C++. As stated before TYVC++ is a good book to get started, but it will not even begin to teach you all you want to know. I also suggest ''The Complete Reference C++ 3rd Edition'' and the ''C++ Black Book''. If you are not able to find these at a book outlet I would suggest using Amazon or another online site. I know you are wanting to dive right into making games, but if you are serious about it I highly suggest you read a couple of C++ books before moving on to some Game Programming books.

-=| mfV|per |=-
-=| mfV|per |=-
I know that I need to read books first and so would my team mates. But the question was that I was wondering what some of the better game creaters would suggest for starting out.
if you know absolutly nothing about the C++ language, then might i suggest
title: The Complete Idiots Guide To C++
author: Paul Snaith
ISBN: 0-7897-1816-2

its quite cheap and teachs you the basics of C++, i found the book well written and good to read. (dont be put off by the title)

then prehaps when you have finished that have a look at "Windows X Programming From The Ground Up" (X=98 or 2000, theres different versions of the book)

that there will teach you the Win32 API, then after that, prehaps "Windows MFC Programming From The Ground Up" if you wanna learn mfc that is.

(from my understandin mfc is just a wrapper, and it would be best to understand the win32 api beforehand, i might be wrong)

then some point after the idiots guide to c++ book and during the windows x programming book, you should have enough knowledge to make a simple game with [insert graphics api of choice], well assuming you have read up on that api also.

i might be wrong.

anyhow, the deluxe learning in my understanding (well when i got VB6 deluxe learning edt) comes with 2 books, a monster sized vc++ programmer guide and vc++ step by step book, the step by step one, if anything like the vb one *should* be good and get you well on your way

edit: messed a few things up

Edited by - Bezzant on November 6, 2001 4:13:56 PM

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