So, given a handful of variables, I'm trying to think of what my main focus should be for my game atm. I'm throwing a few scenarios out there now, and giving you all a chance to give me a few ideas. I ask because I'm a bit stuck, mentally. There's much to be done, but what to tackle first, and in what order... decisions, decisions.
Should I be...
- Polishing up my game for iFest (Seattle) before May 3rd?
- Porting my game to Android? (I already have Mac, Win32, and iOS done)
- Working on a trailer?
- Focusing on a press kit?
- Creating a demo for Steam?
- Updating the website with UTD information about my game?
- Finishing up the HTML5 browser demo of my game?
- File for the LLC (I've been putting that off for a bit too long)?
Or what? My game's progress was moving along rather fast, until I had to take a day career again. Before then, I'd spend at least 60+ hours a week working on this, from sun up till sunset. Now I'm fortunate to get at least 20, even on the weekends, assuming I can focus outside of work.
This is the order I'm guessing I should do things: 6, 1, 7, 3, 4, 5, 8, 2.
What do you suggest? Thanks.