Rounding floating point numbers in C++
Say you have a float variable that''s holding a value of 8.6487 and you would like to print that value rounded to the second decimal place(I.e. 8.65), how would you do that? Thanks..
You can set the precision to which to print to using ostream objects in C++, or format strings in C. I forget exactly how, but that''s why we have search engines and MSDN.
Hmm. I can''t remember if this method rounds or not ...
~~~~~~~~~~ - worship the Daemon!
float myFloat = 8.6487f;printf("%.2f", myFloat);
~~~~~~~~~~ - worship the Daemon!
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Or, if you needed to have that rounded value put in another variable:
You could also use fmod, but I prefer integer truncation.
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float Original = 8.6487f;float RoundedToTwo = ((int)(Original * 100.0f))/100.0f
You could also use fmod, but I prefer integer truncation.
[Resist Windows XP''s Invasive Production Activation Technology!]
I''ve always like the flexible rounder, one that let''s you pick the precision.
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#include <math.h>float round(float num,int place){ int power=pow(10,place); return ((float)((int)(power*num))/(float)power);}
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