This is my first post here even though I've been following the forum for quite a long time. I am currently studing my final year of Computer Science at Warsaw University of Technology (Poland) and I am about to declare my MSc degree subject. I do have the polish version of it but I need a proper english translation as well. Since I am not english native speaker I'd like to ask you - english speaking on a daily basis guys - for a little help here.
The general purpose of my MSc project is to create a procedural and dynamic weather system. Meaning: computer graphics application that simulates weather phenomena (rain, snow, wind, storm, ...). Those phenomena are supposed to affect some 3D objects, eg.: ground gets wet from rain, rain creates puddles inside the concave areas, 3D models get white at the top when it snows and cover the area beneath, etc...
The ideas I came up with are:
- Procedural generation of weather phenomena with its influence on generic 3D objects.
- Procedural weather phenomena generation with its influence on 3D objects consideration.
- The procedural generation of weather phenomena and it's influence on 3D objects.
The thing is I would like to emphasize the "generation process" as the main issue here. So sentences like:
- The influence of weather phenomena generation on 3D objects.
are not possible here.