I'm trying to get a basic SDL2 program to run, but I'm running into issues with my linker settings. Namely the linker settings I have are resulting in the following errors:
ld||cannot find -lmingw32|
ld||cannot find -ldinput8|
ld||cannot find -ldxguid|
ld||cannot find -ldxerr8|
ld||cannot find -luser32|
ld||cannot find -lgdi32|
ld||cannot find -lwinmm|
ld||cannot find -limm32|
ld||cannot find -luuid|
||=== Build finished: 26 errors, 0 warnings ===|
I have the SDL2.a, SDL2main.a, and SDL2_image.a files under link libraries, I have the necessary header files in search directories for the compiler.
I am using Codeblocks on Ubuntu 12.04, and I have installed mingw32 on this system. What am I doing incorrectly?