
SDL / C++ Pages?

Started by October 31, 2001 08:43 PM
7 comments, last by Android 13 23 years, 1 month ago
Can someone give me a good SDL page, that gives examples useing C++? Please? Thanks Mess with the best, Die like the rest!!
Mess with the best,Die like the rest!!

[Resist Windows XP''s Invasive Production Activation Technology!]
Why wont it compile? Should i make it a dos application, or windows?

Mess with the best,
Die like the rest!!
Mess with the best,Die like the rest!!
If you''re using MSVC do the following:
  • Make a Win32 application.
  • Go to Project->Settings.
  • Make "Settings For" All Configurations.
  • Click on the "Link" tab.
  • Check "Ignore all default libraries."
  • Add sdl.lib, sdlmain.lib, msvcrt.lib and (possibly) libc.lib and libcp.lib to the "Object/library modules" textbox.
  • Instead of another variety of main you must use "int main(int argc, char *argv[])"
    That should be all you need to do .

    [Resist Windows XP''s Invasive Production Activation Technology!]
  • Also, make sure you put your libraries and include files in the correct places.

    [Resist Windows XP''s Invasive Production Activation Technology!]
    What if i am useing Dev C++?

    Mess with the best,
    Die like the rest!!
    Mess with the best,Die like the rest!!
    I tried to get it to work with Dev C++ to explain how to someone a while ago and failed. I know it is possible, since I''ve used SDL with GCC (what Dev C++ uses) before. If you want to do it from a makefile or from the command line it is easy (see this page). However, I still haven''t figured out why it won''t work in the Dev C++ IDE .

    [Resist Windows XP''s Invasive Production Activation Technology!]
    Thank you very much!

    Mess with the best,
    Die like the rest!!
    Mess with the best,Die like the rest!!
    Hey, I''ve got a tut on my site aboud Dev-C++ and SDL. Go check it out. Maybe it will help you.

    Multitasking - screwing up several things at once.
    ---cone3dhttp://cone3d.gamedev.netMy software never has any bugs - it just generates random features

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