I'm working on what can best be described as a pokemon clone... It's different enough to be different, but still it's an iterative clone modeled on the basic structure of pokemon...
In pokemon you can "breed" pokemon together. I'm not quite sure how it works in pokemon as it has been a while, but it's a mechanic so that you can get certain skills or baby forms etc, but overall it's not really like breeding imo...
I too want a breeding mechanism so that if you spend time doing it you can really mess with the stats of a monster so that it is completely different from the baseline model.
I'm thinking that you get 2 of the same family and when you breed them the new monster gets a mixture of the base stats... So if one parent has 10 hp and the other has 15, you could end up with 10 or 15 hp...
Further more as the monster levels up the it gains a certain number of points which can also be mated together so that if you have a monster with +5 HP per lvl and a +1 HP per level you can up with either...
And then on top of these a single mutation is applied, only effecting 1 stat, so that even if you get a +1 hp you could get a +0 or a +3 due to mutation.
Now... I'd like you're opinions on that, but more importantly, this seems to create somewhat of a problem with the ability to breed children with their parents over and over again. So my question is what do you think about creating some sort of stop gap, for example, a monster has a limited amount of times it can reproduce, or that monsters die after a given time, or add in some sort of incest degradation which tracks the family of each monster and if you attempt to breed to many incestuous generations the number of mutations that occur increase and the possibility they are negative increases...
And as a side note to that last part, what do you think of the idea of adding in a negative stat increment. Certain stats could be bad to deal with but livable, while others, like a -1HP stat increment would eventually result in completely useless monster...as would a 0 stat in base HP.
So opinions? Suggestions? Pizza?
Edit: thought of a another option... I can make it so that every monster gets 2 sets of base stats randomly generated. Each set is based on the a randomly generated number between the base stat and the negative of the base stat and it manifest both so that instead of what I was saying above... the parents have 4 stats of which they inherit 2 which means if you breed with the same monster over and over again it heightens the chance that if the monster has a negative stat it is the one that gets transferred, but like real breeder this can also be used to the advantage of the breeder to slowly raise monsters of superior quality with no chance of having negative state on their monsters...