Hey guys!
I am currently working with my artist so we can get a workflow up and running to import static and skinned meshes in our own engine.
He is using the biped tool in 3ds max.
At the moment we have 2 options to go for:
-ASSIMP and importing .dae(Collada) files
-FBXSDK and importing .fbx(obviously)
We tried to go with the ASSIMP way and I am having a problem with bipedal animations. Normal bone animations with example files from the internet. Does anyone have experience with this kind of workflow and can explain to me the weird behaviour in the attached screenshot?
Secondly I tried using the FBXSDK but its a pain in the ass. I am having trouble with simply loading normals...
To anyone out there having a custom engine or experience in those things: How would you/do you handle biped animations?
Best regards,