I posted two questions almost exactly two years ago, and have since done a bit of work on game logic and database interaction with C++ and mysql. I have python in there as well and I repeat some of the functionality with it, but for what I am doing, C++ seems ok and magnitudes faster than messing with data in PHP. Additionally and since two years has passed, I'm happy that I have chosen languages (C++, Python) that are stable and not here today, gone/forked/changed tomorrow.
I'm no expert in C++ or Python yet, but things are coming along and I want to start spitting out something visual. I'm seeing WEBGL as something viable, but I'm not sure how C++ fits, aside from a long chain of interpreters/compilers/converters - which sounds terribly messy and vulnerable to obsolescence as my development slowly chunks along year after year.
Language really doesn't matter at this point, as I'm not invested very heavily into anything library specific; I just don't to go back to PHP. I can do Python, would prefer C++ and understand JS is required, but I will compromise if the chain to WEBGL/JS is short.
I work on a remote VPS Debian/Ubuntu build, if that is any help in commenting. So I'm either going to start serving up web pages (the plan) or I need to start working on a client (huge downer, with added complication network-wise).
Any advice on moving forward?
Thank you!