Fancy! xD
Got the hooking working! <3
Though it have problems T_T
First of, when I let go off the hook in the air, the momentum is lost, cause he only acts with "physics" (as particle) while hooked, its hard to achieve the desired effect, cause while normal jumping or falling, if you not pressing left or right youd fall straight (no inertia), which is also the desired.
Controlling the character state/actions and its behavior for each combination possible is a pain.
Added the string fx attaching the character to the hook, it looks amazing <3
Found a problem with the collision with the hook thou, >_<, launching the hook at diagonals direction, if it hits the exactly point between 2 tiles, it will pass trough it..dont know what causes this, but Im really not in the mood to go mess with the collision sys again..will let it for later
-edit 2-
Wasted major time fixing a bug on the engine today! Cant believe that nastiness got so far..TDD is screaming my name louder and louder every day..
Added collectible itens, but they dont do anything..
At least I found and fixed that thing..Oh, and I realize Im using assert the way you shouldnt (assert(someFuncCall()) ). ¦D lame