
Cyberpunk Game Jam 2014

Started by February 26, 2014 07:13 AM
32 comments, last by TheChubu 10 years, 11 months ago

You're drawing all those buildings.. Im worrying if will have no problems drawing 40x100 sprites of 400x400 res each..

I have support for instancing already, but with no culling I wonder whats going to happen. >_<

(see, I did large block tiles cause I want some long skydiving times ¦D)

You're drawing all those buildings..
They're not actually 'objects' as such. There's a mathematical formula that describes the volume of the city, and then I'm tracing a ray through that volume per pixel.

There's actually only one building described in the formula, the number of 'objects' is the number of parts that makes up that one building (three at the moment: the main cuboid, bands around the sides, a block at the base).

The ray/viewer position is divided by the city-block size, and only the remainder is fed into the formula, so that the volume repeats endlessly.

Tracing these rays is an iterative process. Here's the artefacts that you get if you only take 16 steps along each ray, instead of the ~90 I was taking in the other screenshot:


You're drawing all those buildings..
They're not actually 'objects' as such. There's a mathematical formula that describes the volume of the city, and then I'm tracing a ray through that volume per pixel.

There's actually only one building described in the formula, the number of 'objects' is the number of parts that makes up that one building (three at the moment: the main cuboid, bands around the sides, a block at the base).

The ray/viewer position is divided by the city-block size, and only the remainder is fed into the formula, so that the volume repeats endlessly.

Tracing these rays is an iterative process. Here's the artefacts that you get if you only take 16 steps along each ray, instead of the ~90 I was taking in the other screenshot:

And Im with trouble with my 2d tilemap e_e

Need to get some sleep, here's my game design of today (hope it will mantain the formatting):

# Contains enough info to build a tiled map

[ Map

	[ sprites
		[SpriteComponent_ # C:\Users\Gateway\Desktop\PSDs\cyberpunk jam\buildTile_bottom.png
			[texture = C:\Users\Gateway\Desktop\PSDs\cyberpunk jam\Tiles.png]
			[w = 404]
			[h = 404]
				[x = 0.785156]
				[y = 0]
				[w = 0.197266]
				[h = 0.197266]
			[blend = alpha]
		[SpriteComponent_ # C:\Users\Gateway\Desktop\PSDs\cyberpunk jam\buildTile_middle.png
			[texture = C:\Users\Gateway\Desktop\PSDs\cyberpunk jam\Tiles.png]
			[w = 404]
			[h = 404]
				[x = 0]
				[y = 0.785156]
				[w = 0.197266]
				[h = 0.197266]
			[blend = alpha]
		[SpriteComponent_ # C:\Users\Gateway\Desktop\PSDs\cyberpunk jam\buildTile_top.png
			[texture = C:\Users\Gateway\Desktop\PSDs\cyberpunk jam\Tiles.png]
			[w = 404]
			[h = 82]
				[x = 0.785156]
				[y = 0.197266]
				[w = 0.197266]
				[h = 0.0400391]
			[blend = alpha]
			[xoff = 0]
			[yoff = -180]
		[SpriteComponent_ # C:\Users\Gateway\Desktop\PSDs\cyberpunk jam\buildTile_up.png
			[texture = C:\Users\Gateway\Desktop\PSDs\cyberpunk jam\Tiles.png]
			[w = 404]
			[h = 404]
				[x = 0.264648]
				[y = 0.392578]
				[w = 0.197266]
				[h = 0.197266]
			[blend = alpha]
		[SpriteComponent_ # C:\Users\Gateway\Desktop\PSDs\cyberpunk jam\buildTile_wndLeft.png
			[texture = C:\Users\Gateway\Desktop\PSDs\cyberpunk jam\Tiles.png]
			[w = 404]
			[h = 404]
				[x = 0.264648]
				[y = 0.589844]
				[w = 0.197266]
				[h = 0.197266]
			[blend = alpha]
		[SpriteComponent_ # C:\Users\Gateway\Desktop\PSDs\cyberpunk jam\buildTile_wndMiddle.png
			[texture = C:\Users\Gateway\Desktop\PSDs\cyberpunk jam\Tiles.png]
			[w = 404]
			[h = 404]
				[x = 0.264648]
				[y = 0.787109]
				[w = 0.197266]
				[h = 0.197266]
			[blend = alpha]
		[SpriteComponent_ # C:\Users\Gateway\Desktop\PSDs\cyberpunk jam\scaffoldTile_bottomMerge.png
			[texture = C:\Users\Gateway\Desktop\PSDs\cyberpunk jam\TilesRetake.png]
			[w = 404]
			[h = 404]
				[x = 0.461914]
				[y = 0.392578]
				[w = 0.197266]
				[h = 0.197266]
			[blend = alpha]
		[SpriteComponent_ # C:\Users\Gateway\Desktop\PSDs\cyberpunk jam\scaffoldTile_middle.png
			[texture = C:\Users\Gateway\Desktop\PSDs\cyberpunk jam\TilesRetake.png]
			[w = 404]
			[h = 404]
				[x = 0.65918]
				[y = 0.392578]
				[w = 0.197266]
				[h = 0.197266]
			[blend = alpha]
		[SpriteComponent_ # C:\Users\Gateway\Desktop\PSDs\cyberpunk jam\scaffoldTile_top.png
			[texture = C:\Users\Gateway\Desktop\PSDs\cyberpunk jam\Tiles.png]
			[w = 404]
			[h = 82]
				[x = 0.785156]
				[y = 0.237305]
				[w = 0.197266]
				[h = 0.0400391]
			[blend = alpha]
			[xoff = 0]
			[yoff = -180]
		[ build down	[sprite = 0]
						[solid = 1]	]
		[ build middle	[sprite = 1]
						[solid = 1] ]
		[ build top		[sprite = 2]
						[solid = 0]	]
		[ build up		[sprite = 3]
						[solid = 1]	]
		[ build wnd left	[sprite = 4]
							[solid = 1]	]
		[ build wnd middle	[sprite = 5]
							[solid = 1]	]
		[ build wnd right	[sprite = 4]
							[solid = 1]
							[flipped = 1] ]
		[ scaffold bottom merge	[sprite = 6]
								[solid = 1]	]
		[ scaffold middle	[sprite = 7]
							[solid = 1]	]
		[ scaffold top		[sprite = 8]
							[solid = 0]	]
		# up		# bottom	# middle	# top
		[ w = 3 ]	[ s = 0 ]	[x = 1 ]	[ _ = 2 ]
		# wnd left	# wnd midd	# wnd right
		[ "[" = 4 ]	["=" = 5]	[ "]" = 6 ]
		# scaffold	# scaff top	# sacc bottom merge
		[ H = 8 ]	[ . = 9]	[ y = 7 ]
		# empty
		[ " " = -1]
	[ maps
		[ lvl 1
			[w = 40]
			[h = 100]
			[hSpacing = 400]
			[vSpacing = 400]
			[map =
			 " ________  ________   _______  ________[\
			 \ wwwwwwww  wwwwwwww   wwwwwww  wwwwwwwwx\
			 \ x[====]x  x[=]x[]x__ xxxxxxx  ssxxxxxxx\
			 \ x[====]x  x[]x[=]xxx_xxx[==]    xxxxx[=\
			 \ x[====]x  x[]x[=]xxxxxxx[==]    xxxxx[=\
			 \ x[====]x  x[=]x[===]xx[====]    xxxxx[=\
			 \ x[]xxxxs  x[]x[=]xxxxssx[==]   _xxxxxx[\
			 \ x[]xxxs   sxxssssssss  sssss   sxxxxx[=\
			 \ x[]xxx_    ss   _ ______    .   sssssxx\
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			 \   xxxxwwwwwwwwwww [===]x swwwwwwwwwwwww\
			 \   [====]xx[][]x[] x[===] __[====]xxxxxx\
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			 \w  ... . . .. .....       sssss ssssssss\
			 \]  HHH H HHHH HHHHH _____.._____________\
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			 \xwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww []xx[==========]xxxx\
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			 \xx[]xx__ ___xxxsssH ..        xxxxxx____\
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			 \xxx[=======]sssssH  HH HHxsxx[=]xx[=]xxx\
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Got the collisions and char move controlling stable.

Still need to tweek the char animations according with its action.

The camera is simply set to the player pos, which is terrible, but I dont think I can afford a spring based one.

The main gameplay element of the game is a grappling, which I pretend to make as a distance joint/constrain..Dx im so screwed

Half way trough it, I have no idea if I will manage to make it..the collision sys took way more time to finish than I expected, fuck, its a godam tile map, cant believe the time I expent tweeking it, and its not even solvnig for tunneling or colliders bigger than the tiles -> which is not a problem for the game that have huge tiles.

I'm playing around with techniques to present my visuals like an early 90's game cool.png


I took a whole bunch of concept art that I liked and used them to create a 256 colour pallete for the post-processing to use:

7nrDJ8X.jpg e0XpyY1.png

Half way trough it, I have no idea if I will manage to make it..the collision sys took way more time to finish than I expected, fuck, its a godam tile map, cant believe the time I expent tweeking it,

I've wasted so much time getting my renderer working too, and no time on the actual game unsure.png Gonna have to crunch this weekend to get an actual game finished.

Fancy! xD

Got the hooking working! <3

Though it have problems T_T

First of, when I let go off the hook in the air, the momentum is lost, cause he only acts with "physics" (as particle) while hooked, its hard to achieve the desired effect, cause while normal jumping or falling, if you not pressing left or right youd fall straight (no inertia), which is also the desired.

Controlling the character state/actions and its behavior for each combination possible is a pain.


Added the string fx attaching the character to the hook, it looks amazing <3

Found a problem with the collision with the hook thou, >_<, launching the hook at diagonals direction, if it hits the exactly point between 2 tiles, it will pass trough it..dont know what causes this, but Im really not in the mood to go mess with the collision sys again..will let it for later

-edit 2-

Wasted major time fixing a bug on the engine today! Cant believe that nastiness got so far..TDD is screaming my name louder and louder every day..

Added collectible itens, but they dont do anything..

At least I found and fixed that thing..Oh, and I realize Im using assert the way you shouldnt (assert(someFuncCall()) ). ¦D lame


Sorry, but I wanted to link this as I just found out about it. If you want to see what jams/competitions are coming you could go here:

Site that shows competitions and game jams coming up throughout the year.

I seldom do it, but I love seeing what others make for them. The last three I attempted I never finished anything, but still have the ideas I came up with written in a file somewhere on my computer.

I submitted my game. <3

Basic gameplay is working.

No sound, no HUD, no menu...

My first jam, and I have to say, what an awesome experience!

If I keep doing those my engine is like to bulk-up naturally each time.

Now Im just worried if it will run fine on other machines >_> as the only machine I used was my note.

Heres my entry.

Sorry, but I wanted to link this as I just found out about it. If you want to see what jams/competitions are coming you could go here:
Site that shows competitions and game jams coming up throughout the year.

This is awesome!

They screwed up the submission deadline on the site, so they added another 48hrs to the jam!
I was almost going to give up on mine, because I bit off more than I could chew with the 3D engine, and spent all my time getting the renderer and setting done... with hardly any time spent on the gameplay. I might have to crunch tomorrow night to make it into a bit more of a game, rather than a series of interesting pictures laugh.png

Now Im just worried if it will run fine on other machines >_> as the only machine I used was my note.

Worked on mine happy.png Though, things often work on other developer's PCs, because we've got all the extra SDKs/runtimes/etc installed...
I love your character. You could keep developing that into a decent little platformer if you were so inclined.

I was almost going to give up on mine, because I bit off more than I could chew with the 3D engine, and spent all my time getting the renderer and setting done... with hardly any time spent on the gameplay. I might have to crunch tomorrow night to make it into a bit more of a game, rather than a series of interesting pictures

Your pictures are really cool, Im curious to know what are you doing.

I love your character. You could keep developing that into a decent little platformer if you were so inclined.

Thanks, I will keep working on it.

I was doing even a storyboard/comic like presentation to show a small story about whats going on, but it wouldn't make it in time so I dropped.

The original gameplay is that the hook would waste an energy from an energy meter when in use, so you'd need to collect the orbs to refill it.

In the case you'd not collect enough orbs, you'd simple wouldn't be able to get to the floor and be obligated to suicide. (the hook wouldnt launch anymore)

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